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Elemental Contest

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Here's how this contest works.



1.) Select one card to make. Your choices are Elemental Scripture- Pyro U, Elemental Scripture- Hydro N, Elemental Scripture- Geo I, Elemental Scripture- Aero S, Elemental Scripture- Necro O, Elemental Scripture- Photo N, Elemental Scripture- Ultimate UNISON, and Elemental Hero Ultimatos. The cards are described below...


Elemental Scripture- Pyro U: Spell Card, no type, Effect, "Sacrifice one fire attribute monster from your hand or field and either summon one water attribute monster of any level from your hand or deck or draw one card."


Elemental Scripture- Hydro N: Spell Card, no type, Effect, "Sacrifice one water attribute monster from your hand or field and either summon one wind attribute monster of any level from your hand or deck or put one spell card from your graveyard into your hand.


Elemental Scripture- Geo I: Spell Card, no type, Effect, "Sacrifice one earth attribute monster from your hand or field and either summon one dark attribute monster of any level from your hand or deck or put one trap card from your graveyard into your hand.


Elemental Scripture- Aero S: Spell Card, no type, Effect, "Sacrifice one wind attribute monster from your hand or field and eithersummon one fire attribute monster of any level from your hand or deck or randomly select one card from your opponent's hand and send it to the graveyard.


Elemental Scripture- Necro O: Spell Card, no type, Effect, "Sacrifice one dark attribute monster from your hand or field and either summon one light attribut monster of any level from your hand or deck or deal your opponent 1000 points of damage.


Elemental Scripture- Photo N: Spell Card, no type, Effect, "Sacrifice one light attribute monster from your hand or field and either summon one earth attribute monster from your hand or deck or increase your life points by 1000.


Elemental Scripture- Ultimate UNISON: Spell Card, ritual, Effect, "Sacrifice one monster of each attribute from your hand, field, or deck and summon one Elemental Hero Ultimatos from your hand or deck."


Elemental Hero Ultimatos- Choose an attribute, Choose a level, Warrior-type/ritual/no effect, Choose an attack and defense value,


You can design your own image to all cards.


And that's the only rule. Contest ends October 5th, 2007.



1st- 250 points

2nd- 100 points

3rd- 50 points

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