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"Gauntlet of the Colosseum"


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Total Deck Size: 40 (I not counting fusions since those remain outside the Main Deck)


Tribute Monsters:

2x Gladial-Beast - Alexander

2x Gladial-Beast - Spartycus


Other Monsters:

2x Gladial-Beast - Murmillo

3x Gladial-Beast - Laquer

2x Gladial-Beast - Bestorourii

3x Gladial-Beast - Hoplomus

3x Gladial-Beast - Dichaeri

3x Gladial-Beast - Secutor

2x Slave Ape



3x Gladial-Beast - Geordias

3x Gladial-Beast - Heraclenos



2x Dungeon of the Gladial-Beast - Colosseum

2x Armaments of the Gladial-Beast - Halberd

2x Armaments of the Gladial-Beast - Gladius

2x Armaments of the Gladial-Beast - Manica

2x Resting Gladial Beast

2x Gladial Return



3x Disarm

3x Parry


Card Info From:



Any Comments?


P.S. If anyone is wondering why I made a Glaidal Beast as well as a Six Samurai is because I like Aggro/Combo decks, Stall/Burn and me don't do well together.

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