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YuGiOh! Turbo Speed Mods Plz Lock

The Dark Prince

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OOC: i know that. This is what I mean


Brandon smirked. "I'll draw." "I knew it. He didn't have a trap card. He's hiding behind the reactors. This will be greusome but here goes." "I'll summon Bomb Beast.. and because of your Summon Reactor's effect, i lose 800 life points (LP: 6400). I'll activate Beast's effect, i'll tribute him to destroy Self Destruct Knight, which activates his effect. i'll destroy your Spell reactor. Now i'll activate the Speed Spell- Chaos Rush. i'll add 1 Spray Can counter to Jazz, so I'll draw a card. I'll set one card face down and end my turn."


Brandon: 6400 speed Counters: 5

Anten: 8000 Speed Counters: 7


[spoiler= Speed Spell- Chaos Rush]

Spell Card

This card can only activate if you have less Speed Counters than your opponent. Add 3 Speed Counters. You cannot gain a Speed Counter during the next turn.





[spoiler= Bomb Beast]



Beast / Effect

Tribute this card to destroy 1 monster on the field.

ATK/ 1000 DEF/ 700



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Anten growled and drew "Must... WIN!" he Scanned everything(Deck[his] Graveyard[both] and field[both]) "i acctivae Monster Rebone and revive my Spell Reactor!" he started to have sparks fly off him "now i release them to summon..." Trap, Spell and Summon Reactor started morph together "Flying Fortress SKY FIRE!" Anten started to have smoke coming out of his Arms and Body/Chest


ooc: can anyone make Dark Synchros?

[spoiler=the card i wand Dark Synchro'd]




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Brandon took his turn. "My turn. Because of Speed world you lost 2000 Life Points and 2 Speed Counters. Now I'll activate the Speed Spell- Rampway. Now I select Beat. Now attack with Blinding Paint." Beat threw a spray can at Anten and it exploded in his face. "i'll set one card face down and end my turn."



Brandon: 6400 Speed Counters: 5

Anten: 4500 Speed Counters: 6


[spoiler= Speed Spell- Rampway]

this card can only be activated if you have "speed World" with 4 or more Speed counters. Select 1 mosnter. The selected monster can attack directly this turn.



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Anten started to go into ShutDown Mode and he crashed into the ground leaving a long trail of where he hit/skided "S...tem...ilure..." was all he could say befor he shut off line Tasaki stormed over to Anten to see if it had been badly damaged


ooc: we all saw this coming, first the sparks, the overheat, the smoke... THEN THIS

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Tasaki took out a Screwdriver and opened up Antens Chest "...your going to owe us ALOT of money now..." she said as she looked at the effed up circets and 110%fired CPU Board

ooc: this means you Brandon



Tasaki loaded Antens Arms, Legs, Body and Head onto her Duel Runner "so Brandon...you have 7 days to cough up the 1mil you owe the NDCRaD(Neo Donino City Research and Developement)" she thet stormed off the her Startion to report

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