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The Dark Prince

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New Domino City is Hosting a big tournament to crowned a new champion in one year. Everybody is invited to be in this tournament. Duelist from the Satellites and New Domino City are preparing for this tournament. LET KICK THIS TURBO DUEL INTO OVERDRIVE!!!!!!!!!!



New Domino City





Deck Name:(max: 10)

Duel Runner:

Duel Disk:









Deck Name:(max:10)

Duel Runner:

Duel Disk:




New Domino City


Name: Nova Zone

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Deck Name:Shadow Zone, Evolution Zone, Warrior Energy

Duel Runner:Yusie but it black

Duel Disk: dueldiskblack.jpg


Bio:Nova played in the last Turbo Tournament. But he tried in the final rounded. Nova is Christoper and Chase brother. Christopher and Nova took Chase when he was five year old. Nova became like a father to Chase. Christopher went to the Satellites to set them free. Nova and Chase live in a big house and he taunt chase all bout dueling. He protect chase he also protect Christopher. He is a great duelist and a great brother. But......... (will revived the rest in the story)


[spoiler=Accepted Characters]

Name: Chase



Deck Name:Dragon

Duel Disk:The yugioh GX kind


Bio: An abandoned at birth boy, who had to survive on scraps in the gutter.Then, Nova and Christopher came.They took him under thier wing and taught him the way of yugioh.Since then the young duelest has been living with them and is now ready for a contest.

by bobo144


Name: Brody Cole



Deck Name: North Stars (custom deck with some real cards)

Duel Runner: N/A at the moment

Duel Disk: Black with red tribal designs



Bio: Brody is an only child, born and raised in New Domino City. He's a relatively new player, having been dueling for only a few years. He looks to compete in this tournament to gain the experience and skills he needs to become a better duelist, and better himself as a person as well.

by BlackFang


Name: Rei Kiranaka

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Deck Name:(max:10) Crystals & Mirrors

Duel Runner: like Jack's but violet

Duel Disk: regular 5D's

Appearance: sasuke_as_a_girl_by_rayka2.jpg

Bio: Has lived in the Satellite since she was 7 and doesn't remember anything before that. She has worked all her life to be a great duelist and has made great friends while working to survive.

by Andrew Baker


Name: Brandon

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Deck Name: Soul Union Heroes

Duel Runner: basically yusie's but collored white and has some mist around it.

Duel Disk: a duel disk in the shape of an angel's wing.

Appearance: AnimeBoy7.jpg

Bio: he has lived in the sattelite for most of his life. He noticed his cards glowing in the night. He wants to win this tournament to help the people of the sattelite

by galesonic


Name: Christopher Memento

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Deck Name: Phantom World and Power of the Kings

Duel Runner: Just a bike

Duel Disk: Don't know

Appearance: http://i174.photobucket.com/albums/w86/nhella/anime/4539690230498.jpg

Bio: Do we need one? We reveal later in RP.

by X-31 Fighter



Name: Freddy Lakeshore

Age: 15

Gender: male

Deck Name:(max: 10) Shadow fiends, Berserk Fiends.

Duel Runner: dunno

Duel Disk: ?


Bio: Later.

by zillaz9


Name:Jesse Brax

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Deck Name: Age Of The Machines

Duel runner: n/a

Duel Disk: In the shape of an axe guitar

Appearance: He is taller than an average 16 year old person, with blood red hair and green eyes, he always seems to be moving, whether he's swaying or just moving up and down on the balls of his feet.


Bio: Jesse was born in New Domino City, his whole life his parents were never around because of business trips and other things, so dueling became his obsession. He wants to win this tournament to try to get his parents to take notice of him.

by Blaster_M


Name: Desperado Perez

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Deck Name: Earthbound Gods, red eyes black doom, crappy deck (cards just put together randomly)

Duel Runner: same as jack's but black and red

Duel Disk: EvilDuelDisc2.png

Appearance: anime.jpg

Bio: no one knows much about him except that he is cruel and has a darkness lurking in his deck waiting to come out and destroy

by Zetsu-plant


Name:Saruto Desa


Gender: Male

Deck Name:(max: 10)Ninjas and Gadgets, Gears of War, Unknown Force, Ninjas Wars, Sound of Time

Duel Runner: Black with red markings

Duel Disk: Red and Black


Bio: later in the RP

by DemonX


Name: Anten

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A

Deck Name: Reactor Shutdown(whorks arund the Reactor Monsters)

Duel Runner: N/A

Duel Disk: Arms(his rams are Duel Disks)

Appearance: Anten Black Member,Metal Sonic

Bio: Anten is a Robot Created for the Ultimate Turbo Duel Experiance, but he got a Virus which caused him to malfunction. Anten now stalks the Best Duelest of Neo-Donino City and beats them One-by-One

by Gir: Ruler of Tacoz


Name: Tasaki Jankigo

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Deck Name: /Assault Mode

Duel Runner: Ghost Rider Bike

Duel Disk: like Jacks but black with flames

Appearance: Ragnarok Online - Gucci Girl

Bio: N/A(will revile later)

by Gir: Ruler of Tacoz





Deck Name:Hero(max:10)

Duel Runner: Like yusei's but White

Duel Disk:28ktwzt.png


Bio: A young Spirit duelist who never knew his parents they left him as a boy and his father left him with nothing, but 1 card Hero Dragon what secrets does it hold????????

by Nighthawk14


Name: Zane Anderson

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Deck Name:(max: 10) Shiny Force, Supreme Force, Dark Dispersal, Exodia

Duel Runner:2vxgdgm.jpg

Duel Disk:4fv7cy.jpg


Bio: A demon duelist who seek for best opponent

by ShinyBlade


Name:Jeremy Skinner



Deck Name:Synchronized Warriors(max: 10)

Duel Runner:2760415142_3a34aa0025_m.jpg

Duel Disk:250px-Duel_Disk_2.PNG


Bio:The rich kid of New Domino City, he is mainly thinks of himself. Jeremy's signature card is Sunlight Dragon.

by captainjeremy




Nova Zone,Chase,Freddy Lakeshore, Brandon,Saruto Desa,Tasaki Jankigo,Jeremy Skinner


[spoiler=Dark Signers]Anten, Brody Cole, Rei Kiranaka,Christopher Memento,Eric,Zane Anderson




1. No overpower cards

2. No cheating

3.when you are dueling on a duel runner make sure you keep up with yall Speed Counter and life points

4. life point are 8000

5.must post your card pic or lore



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New Domino City


Name: Chase



Deck Name:Dragon

Duel Disk:The yugioh GX kind


Bio: An abandoned at birth boy, who had to survive on scraps in the gutter.Then, Nova and Christopher came.They took him under thier wing and taught him the way of yugioh.Since then the young duelest has been living with them and is now ready for a contest.

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Name: Brody Cole



Deck Name: North Stars (custom deck with some real cards)

Duel Runner: N/A at the moment

Duel Disk: Black with red tribal designs



Bio: Brody is an only child, born and raised in New Domino City. He's a relatively new player, having been dueling for only a few years. He looks to compete in this tournament to gain the experience and skills he needs to become a better duelist, and better himself as a person as well.

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Name: Rei Kiranaka

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Deck Name:(max:10) Crystals & Mirrors

Duel Runner: like Jack's but violet

Duel Disk: regular 5D's

Appearance: sasuke_as_a_girl_by_rayka2.jpg

Bio: Has lived in the Satellite since she was 7 and doesn't remember anything before that. She has worked all her life to be a great duelist and has made great friends while working to survive.


If you can't see the picture type the name into google image search to see it.

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Name: Brandon

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Deck Name: Soul Union Heroes

Duel Runner: basically yusie's but collored white and has some mist around it.

Duel Disk: a duel disk in the shape of an angel's wing.

Appearance: AnimeBoy7.jpg

Bio: he has lived in the sattelite for most of his life. He noticed his cards glowing in the night. He wants to win this tournament to help the people of the sattelite

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accpeted. X-31 Fight nice to see you man. Ok everyone if forgot to write there are three signers and Four dark singers and here are the signers:Christopher Memento, Chase, and Supercardman101 havent made his yet. the Dark Signers are:Nova , Brandon,Brody Cole, Rei Kiranaka. Also when you are dueling on a duel runner make sure you keep up with yall Speed Counter and life points. One more person to started

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New Domino City


Name:Jesse Brax

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Deck Name: Age Of The Machines

Duel runner: n/a

Duel Disk: In the shape of an axe guitar

Appearance: He is taller than an average 16 year old person, with blood red hair and green eyes, he always seems to be moving, whether he's swaying or just moving up and down on the balls of his feet.

Bio: Jesse was born in New Domino City, his whole life his parents were never around because of business trips and other things, so dueling became his obsession. He wants to win this tournament to try to get his parents to take notice of him.

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New Domino City


Name: Desperado Perez

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Deck Name: Earthbound Gods, red eyes black doom, crappy deck (cards just put together randomly)

Duel Runner: same as jack's but black and red

Duel Disk: EvilDuelDisc2.png

Appearance: anime.jpg

Bio: no one knows much about him except that he is cruel and has a darkness lurking in his deck waiting to come out and destroy

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