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Silly me for expecting better out of the new WCT...

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Well, after the intelligent people stopped posting, Bma and that one other guy (Saiou?) were left in charge of everything. You know, the twits who think that Judgment Dragoon should go to 1, Malicious was the only problematic card in the entire Tele-DAD deck, and so on. Oh, and then megamaster came back to troll some more. And everyone on WCT2009 is about seven years old anyhow.

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And everyone on WCT2009 is about seven years old anyhow.




And Hikaru, I remember a topic of this on the Wc08 board.

........And I'm pretty sure we all agreed that "CCV is one of the most broken cards ever, And is/has ben ban worthy for ages, But Konami wont ban it because its a $300+ card, And people are still going to pay that mutch for it, and Konami just wants cash"


Or something along those lines.

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i was thinking to myself for a moment, what if you could chain rush recklessly or something to the crush target, but then tributing it is an activation cost.

somebody crushed my silly flip troll deck once.

i just kind of laughed.

it didnt do anything.

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Guest PikaPerson01



Maybe it's time we go back to WCT to troll over there.


... Just kidding mods! Invading is (probably) against the rules here! Hahahaha!

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But anyway, shitty topic. "CCV can be countered" sheet, "it's been there since the game began" sheet, and, implied though indirectly, "carpetbomb CCV's targets" bullshit.


Meh, Pudding; I'll go bash everyone's brains. I'll take a visit there.

Time to reckon's near... I'm lost.

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ccv, and all the other viruses, are broken, but ccv's cost is far cheeper than all the other ones, and has the worst overall effect to try and get under or recover from. this combonation makes it ban level broken.


the only reason I see it not being banned is because of it's pricetag and rarity. I mean there are only 4-5 in my area, and two of them are from canada.

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Crush is OK at 1. My Deck is immune to crush.


Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning is OK at 1. My Deck is immune to Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning.

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Crush is OK at 1. My Deck is immune to crush.


Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning is OK at 1. My Deck is immune to Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning.


Yata-Garasu is OK at 1. My Deck is immune to Yata-Garasu.


(I spray Yata-Repellent on it every day when I wake up. If I don't, the Yatas start to attack.)

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Crush is OK at 1. My Deck is immune to crush.


Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning is OK at 1. My Deck is immune to Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning.


Yata-Garasu is OK at 1. My Deck is immune to Yata-Garasu.


(I spray Yata-Repellent on it every day when I wake up. If I don't' date=' the Yatas start to attack.)



you have a bird problem?

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Crush is OK at 1. My Deck is immune to crush.


Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning is OK at 1. My Deck is immune to Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning.


Yata-Garasu is OK at 1. My Deck is immune to Yata-Garasu.


(I spray Yata-Repellent on it every day when I wake up. If I don't' date=' the Yatas start to attack.)



you have a bird problem?


No, I have a noob problem. I get Yatas and LarryCotters around the house everywhere; it's crazy.

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Crush is OK at 1. My Deck is immune to crush.


Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning is OK at 1. My Deck is immune to Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning.


Yata-Garasu is OK at 1. My Deck is immune to Yata-Garasu.


(I spray Yata-Repellent on it every day when I wake up. If I don't' date=' the Yatas start to attack.)



you have a bird problem?


No, I have a noob problem. I get Yatas and LarryCotters around the house everywhere; it's crazy.


Ah, those. It's hard to deal with that kind of problem, but I recommend you to burn things. It works better than Yata-Repel. Even better than Super Repel.

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Crush is OK at 1. My Deck is immune to crush.


Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning is OK at 1. My Deck is immune to Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning.


Yata-Garasu is OK at 1. My Deck is immune to Yata-Garasu.


(I spray Yata-Repellent on it every day when I wake up. If I don't' date=' the Yatas start to attack.)



you have a bird problem?


No, I have a noob problem. I get Yatas and LarryCotters around the house everywhere; it's crazy.


Ah, those. It's hard to deal with that kind of problem, but I recommend you to burn things. It works better than Yata-Repel. Even better than Super Repel.


But then I start getting E-Hero Andrews and Jurrasics! They think death should be at 3! Their decks are immune to death!

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