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This is madness! ... Madness ... THIS IS DARK CREATAAAA!!!!


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Updated reviewed build to test at lolocals next week:


( 21 )

3 Darklord Zerato

2 The Dark Creator

2 Destiny Hero - Plasma

2 Destiny Hero - Malicious


2 Destiny Hero - Diamond Dude

2 Dark Grepher

2 Necro Gardna

1 Elemental Hero Stratos

1 Phantom of Chaos

1 Plaguespreader Zombie

1 Sangan

1 Spirit Reaper

1 Morphing Jar


( 16 )

3 Trade-In

2 Allure of Darkness

2 Destiny Draw

1 Monster Reborn

1 Card Destruction

1 Lightning Vortex

1 Brain Control

1 Heavy Storm

1 Giant Trunade

1 Reinforcement of the Army

1 Monster Reincarnation

1 Scapegoat


( 3 )

3 Royal Decree


Oh and to anybody else going to the UK nationals, see you there ;)

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ddraw, allure, plaguey and zerato all lead me to believe that hes not on much of a budget.


crush at about 250 if you look in the right places, and dad at 90ish and dropping.

id highball my improvements at 400$, and thats being overcharged.


if youre spending 500-600 on crush and dad, youre definitely getting ripped off.

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ddraw' date=' allure, plaguey and zerato all lead me to believe that hes not on much of a budget.


crush at about 250 if you look in the right places, and dad at 90ish and dropping.

id highball my improvements at 400$, and thats being overcharged.


if youre spending 500-600 on crush and dad, youre definitely getting ripped off.



Sry, I was using the old format for pricings. ^_^"

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ddraw' date=' allure, plaguey and zerato all lead me to believe that hes not on much of a budget.


crush at about 250 if you look in the right places, and dad at 90ish and dropping.

id highball my improvements at 400$, and thats being overcharged.


if youre spending 500-600 on crush and dad, youre definitely getting ripped off.



D-Draw, Plague, Zerato, Mali etc are all a result of years of collecting. There's no way I'll get DAD and CCV for a very long time... (unless DAD is GS2)


+1 Dark Nephthys

+1 Crush Card Virus

+1 Torrential Tribute

+1 Return from the Different Dimension

+2 Escape from the Dark Dimension


-1 Darklord Zerato

-1 Morphing Jar

-1 Card of Safe Return

-3 Royal Decree


I've tried the version with escapes before and it was crummy.. Torrential cold work despite Decree, but really I find that Decree is essential, especially with GBs playing 3 Solemn/3 Chariot, and Monarch builds being pretty trap heavy too.

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1 poc?

your also missing dad.

and crush.


Maybe he does not wanna waste a shitload of cash on children's trading cards. But yeah' date=' either take out poc or max it.



+1 Dark Nephthys

+1 Crush Card Virus

+1 Torrential Tribute

+1 Return from the Different Dimension

+2 Escape from the Dark Dimension


-1 Darklord Zerato

-1 Morphing Jar

-1 Card of Safe Return That defeats the key cards 2nd drawing thing.

-3 Royal Decree

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You're lucky. I'd all but forsaken this site as a waste of time, effort, and thought process. This will be a rare, rare exception to my "Don't post on YCM" rule.


As for your deck, too many of your cards are going to completely worthless in the early game. You have nine monsters that are completely unable to be played in the first few turns, and you don't want to discard or remove two of them. That means that your Trade-Ins would need to be hitting ONLY Zerato, or you're doing nothing but creating dead draws later with D-Draws you won't be able to play.


Allure couldn't hit Zerato or Creator or you'd be defeating your own purpose.


Phantom of Chaos, unlike what some other poster said, should be at two. Maxing it to three would be idiotic, and losing it entirely is just foolish.


I would use Burial from the Different Dimension for Phantom of Chaos and Plaguespreader Zombie. Maybe just one at first, possibly two if it really works.


Diamond Dude has 15 good targets, if you draw NONE of them, and it only gets worse as you play. Not to mention there are 25 BAD targets, meaning your odds of success could be as low as 36% in a Spell-heavy opening hand. I'd use one for a D-Draw target and the occasional lucky hit, but two is asking for trouble.


Necro Gardna is going to be a bad play against anything that puts out more than two monsters at a time, and really not even that effective against anything but big OTK variants of things. I'd side the two you have to use against some crazy rogue thing, but they're useless against Monarchs or Gladiator Beasts, unless you're using Grepher to load them up. Even then, you could be using it for something better, so I wouldn't waste my time.


Brain Control is unnecessary, since you'll be blowing up all of their monsters on the turn you win anyway.


Torrential can set you up for a big hit with Creator when you've been stalling with Reaper.


Lets also toss in another Dark Creator for the now two-of'd Phantom of Chaos, and another card to get it back. Another Reincarnation.


Oppression's also going to be a problem, so I put in some Trap Eater for the Side Deck.


Without actually testing it, I think these will help. Test these changes and get back to me.


-1x Destiny Hero - Diamond Dude

-2x Necro Gardna

-1x Brain Control

-1x Royal Decree

+1x The Dark Creator

+1x Phantom of Chaos

+1x Burial from the Different Dimension

+1x Monster Reincarnation

+1x Torrential Tribute

+2x Necro Gardna [side Deck]

+3x Trap Eater [side Deck]

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No Solemns?


I'm not too experienced with this kind of Deck, so I might be missing something, but is there a reason that you chose to exclude them?

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