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History & Intelligent Info Section

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I love history, lots, and i was thinking we had another sub-forum in Genral called 'History' Basically, we talk about are favorite times from the ancient past, and share are knowlege of history, so, whos with me?



1. Soul Legacy

2. Angelic Champion

3. metal_gear_solid_alf


5. SonicJack9

6. Basherbelding11

7. Enrise

8. ~XaRhS~

9. Hunter

10. csaman3

11. Wyhe

12. .:True Destiny:.

13. DemonX


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I don't support. Why?


4) Do not request new boards to be created that cover a narrow topic.


Some sites have lots and lots of boards - in some cases literally millions.


YCM has 33. And you can't even see them all. And you can't post in all the ones that you can see.


Because of this' date=' every board must count. Therefore, any new board that would be added to YCM needs to cover a reasonably broad topic, or there is simply no point in making them. Video Games? Broad enough; we added it. Movie Reviews? Not broad. Not added.


Use discretion here, but as a rule of thumb, any board that would be less popular than Debates will not be created.[/quote']


I think History will not be popular enough. Not many members here know about History, though.

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