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D.E.Z // Direct Earthbound Zombies


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2 x Earthbound Immortal - Aslla piscu

2 x Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon



3 x Zombie Master

2 x Pyramid Turtle

2 x Goblin Zombie

2 x Phantom of Chaos

2 x Dark Grepher

1 x Bone Crusher

1 x Mezuki

1 x Plaguespreader Zombie



3 x Zombie World

3 x Overpowering Eyes

2 x Allure of Darkness

1 x Terraforming

1 x Book Of Life

1 x Card of Safe Return

1 x Heavy Storm

1 x Monster Reborn

1 x Mystical Space Typhoon

1 x Burial from a Different Dimension



3 x Solemn Judgment

2 x Robbin' Goblin

2 x Interdimensional Matter Transporter

2 x Phoenix Wing Wind Blast



TOTAL = 42




1 x Gladiator Beast Gyzarus

1 x Magical Android

1 x Armory Arm

1 x Doomkaiser Dragon

1 x Goyo Guardian

2 x Stardust Dragon

2 x Black Rose Dragon

2 x Thought Ruler Archfiend

2 x Red Dragon Archfiend

2 x Psychic Lifetrancer





Help would be appreciated. This deck is moving more onto a Direct Attack Zombie build. If your wondering why Interdimensional Matter Transporter is in here, it activates Aslla piscu ability, then returns, so its fun of win.

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Robin' Goblin seems somewhat random.


Well' date=' since this deck contains Overpowering Eyes and Earthbound Immortal - Aslla piscu, i personally thought it fit the deck itself



Earthbounds can attack directly anyway. So like I said, It seemed random.

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poc isnt very useful here.


actually, im trying to recall, doesnt poc's effect only really work while its on the field?

so effects that activate when its removed from the field, for example, wouldnt work. like tomato or something.


i assume the effect you intend on copying with him is aslla.

eh, i dunno. doesnt really hurt it, but eh, zombies are so.... not terrific anymore.

and zombie world was never that good.

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poc isnt very useful here.


PoC was more filler. If Mezuki wasn't limited' date=' i would have replaced them for that


actually, im trying to recall, doesnt poc's effect only really work while its on the field?

so effects that activate when its removed from the field, for example, wouldnt work. like tomato or something.

i assume the effect you intend on copying with him is aslla.


Personally, this is why I added PoC in. But they can easily be replaced


eh' date=' i dunno. doesnt really hurt it, but eh, zombies are so.... not terrific anymore.

and zombie world was never that good.



I know Zombies aren't really good in this meta. But I'm more using Zombie World and Zombie cards to revive Aslla from grave and using it over and over again since it can be Special Summoned

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