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~ Lock

~ Chidori-Kun

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1.) All YCM rules apply.

2.) Don't complain.

3.) Be patient.

4.) Don't nag.

5.) Don't flame.

6.) I have the right to deny any request.


Anyone who falls shorts of the rules will recieve a neg rep and will have a warning in this shop





* Envoy of Infinty's order...





[spoiler=Order Forms]

Picture or Render :

Color or black and white:


Desired Color:





50-300 points depending on difficulty.


* Non-Rendered pics are automatically 100 or more points.

* Free avatar with purchase



[spoiler=How it Works]

1.) You post request.

2.) I will say yes or no.

3.) You wait till Friday for your order.

4.) You get it.

5.) I tell you the price.

6.) You pay.



[spoiler=Waiting List]

1.) Shadowstorm

2.) X-31 Fighter

3.) Basherbelding




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Picture or Render :http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_m2H_LsYfuew/SSVnf2hTuMI/AAAAAAAAAJM/JU0OPakoBv4/s320/DarkArmedDragonPTDN-EN-ScR.png

Color or black and white:Black please

Text:Come forth my little pet,Dark armed Dragon!

Desired Color:Scarlet red

Notes:If your comp doesn't have scarlet red,just red will do.

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