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WWE: The Fighters War[PG-16][Started][Still Accepting Via PM]

Soul Legacy

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OoC:While we wait, Fan-Fic time :/


Match: CM Punk vs. Kane


Fans cheer as CM Punk enters. more cheers as The Big Red Machine enters. Bell rings. Punk starts with a few rights fists to the temple, but Kane suplexes Punk. cover 1..2.recover. Punks connects with a neckbreaker and the cover 1...2 recover Punk the punches Kane a few more times then carries Lane to the corner turnbuckle and slams Kane. Punk then attempts the Pepsi Plunge but Kane pushes Punk off the top turnbuckle. Kane then climbs out of the ring and picks up Punk and throws him in the ring. after a few headbutts from Kane, he connects with a chokeslam and the cover 1...2...3. Bell rings. The Big Red Machine defeats one of his MitB opponents.

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