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WWE: The Fighters War[PG-16][Started][Still Accepting Via PM]

Soul Legacy

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Superstar you want to be:

Your Superstar:

Male Or Female:
Ring Name:
Entrance Music:
Trained By:



Superstar you want to be: The Undertaker

Your Superstar:

Name: Agas Constentine
Male or Female: Female
Age: 21
Ring Name: Hellsing
Brand: Smackdown
Entrance Music: [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhxTS_0vl0E&feature=related[/url]
Finisher: Vampires Bite (Cross between sissors kick and last ride)
Trained By: The Undertaker


[spoiler=RAW Roster]

1. Randy Orton (-Blaze-)
2. Silver X (-Blaze-)
3. The Immortal (Enrise)


[spoiler=Smackdown Roster]

1. The Undertaker (¦Kylarnatias Soul¦)
2. Hellsing (¦Kylarnatias Soul¦)
3. Triple H (Fireheartleon)
4. Dark Flame (Fireheartleon)
5. Jeff Hardy (Axle C.)
6. The Immortal (Enrise)

[spoiler=ECW Roster]

1. The Joker (Axle C.)



1. Play fairly
2. No Spamming and Flamming



WWE Champion - Triple H
World Heavyweight Champion - Edge
ECW Champion - Jack Swagger
Intercontinetal Champion - JBL
United States Champion - Shelton Benjamen
World Tag Tem Champions - The Miz & Morrison
WWE Tag Team Champions - Carlito and Primo
Divas Champion - Maryse
WWE Womans Champion - Melina

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Superstar you want to be: Triple H


Name: Leon Lonewolf

Male or Female: Male

Age: 18

Ring Name: Dark Flame

Brand: Smackdown

Entrance Music: url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gES3164c9vQ]Disturbed: The Night[/url]

Finisher: Dark Aura (Chokeslam position, then throwing opponent across the mat or sometimes thrown toward the ropes, bouncing off the top rope, and landing on the floor.)

Trained By: The Undertaker

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Superstar you want to be: Jeff Hardy

Name: Axle Comuteza, though his in ring name is "The Joker"
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Height: 6'6
Weight: 210 pounds
Finishing Move:

Mandible Claw Slam: The hold is applied when the aggressor places his middle and ring fingers into the opponent's mouth, sliding them under the tongue and jabbing into the soft tissue found at the bottom of the mouth. The thumb and/or palm of the same hand is placed under the jaw, and pressure is applied downward by the middle and ring fingers while the thumb/palm forces the jaw upwards. Using the other hand, he gets them in a Chokeslam position and Chokeslams them while still using Mandible Claw. Sometimes, if he has enough energy, he lifts them up with the same hand he's using the Mandible Claw, while keeping hold of the Mandible Claw.

Entrance Music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AWFz4em3Ilg
Personality: The Joker is pretty much insane. He acts crazy and always jokes around, never being serious, even when he is hitting his opponets with weapons. He loves to play mind games with his opponets, usually making them insane. He also loves to play pranks on other superstars.
Show: ECW
Trained by: Mick Foley

Other: During normal matches, he hides a clown like jacket under the ring that is filled with comedy props, including deadly weapons. In no disqualifaction matches, he comes out in the match with his jacket. Such weapons unclude whoopie cushions ( sometimes filled with poison fog ), joy buzzers (( which he sometimes modify to shock them greatly )), exploding jack in the boxes', and tons of other crazy, modified, prank stuff. He wears face paint and his hair is green, making him look like a clown. He wears alot of different colorful stuff a clown would wear.
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Superstar you want to be: What if I don't want any of them?

Your Superstar:

Name: Fiacre Filth
Male Or Female: Male
Age: 22
Ring Name: The Immortal
Brand: Raw & Smackdown
Entrance Music: [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2XNWvSParfk]Nocturnal Supremacy[/url]
Fall of Heaven- A Tombstone Piledriver from the top of the turnbuckle or ladder

Vampyric Touch- [Used on Ladders] At the top of the ladder, user grabs the opponents head with one hand, and both user and opponent are jumped off the ladder, and user slams head into mat full force.

Flying Pentagram- Star shaped form from the turnbuckle, and jumps straight of the turnbuckle, spinning in mid-air, and landing on the opponents head.

Trained By: Is it okay if I put Undertaker down?
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-- Ok, i'll start.




Fireworks lit the stage as Samckdown began, the fans cheered, the lights then went out, and the Undertakers music started to play, the fans roared with excitment as the phenom entered the stage, he walked down to the ring in his usual way, after entering, he grabbed a mic and began to speak.


"Today, two of my new apprentices join the buissness, the first, being a woman, she is beautyful but fierce, her finisher is the Vampires Bite, and her name is Hellsing..." the lights then went down again, suddenly, you heard a ghostly voice go, "Oh Yes!!!" a man then stepped out onto the stage, it was Paul Bearer, then music started playing, it was the Ministry of Darkness theme, then a woman walked out on stage it was Hellsing, she looked beautyful, but her make up made her look undead. "And My Second Apprentice, his finisher is the Fall of Heaven, he is quite manly, his name is The Immortal!"


-- Your Turn Enrise!

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-- Hehe




"These are my apprentices, and tonight, they shall team up against Brian Kedrick and Victoria for there debuting match, and me and Paul will be at ringside to acompany them" the fans cheered in excitment, Hellsing then left the stage.


As Hellsing got backstage, she was given a cup of water by a stage hand, "here you go Agas!" she replyed "Thanks...." and drunk.


-- Yeah, we play both there lifes, them as actors and there real-selves

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Match 1: Dark Flame vs. Triple H [Non-Title Match]


The fans cheer as The Game comes out, the WWE Championship belt around his waist, looking ready.


Claps welcome newcomer Dark Flame, rumored to be another one of Taker's apprentices, enters. Hunter and Flame shake hands as the bell rings. H starts with several punches to the temple followed by a clothesline. pin 1...2..recover. Flame clothesline Hunter. pin 1...recover. Hunter Pedigrees Flame. Pin 1...2...recover milliseconds before 3. Flame attemps a Dark Aura and connects. 1...2...3. The bell rings. The Game recovers with a shocked expression and laughs. Flame helps Hunter up on his feet, then all of a sudden, Hunter gets hit with an RKO and Flame a clothesline

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At the end of the match, the lights go off, and a crow is heard, and the lights go back on. The Immortal stands at the sight of the two knocked out fighters, and looks at the source of the RKO, and the clothesline. He made a thread with a sign, and the lights went off again, with a crow sound, and the lights were gone, and so was he. The Immortal, has stuck a rivalry with the ones who RKO'ed and clotheslined Dark Flame and Triple HHH.

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Agas (Hellsing) was walking around the back waiting for her first match with the Immortal, the Undertaker then came along "Alright Agas?" Agas smiled and replyed, "Yeah, im fine Mark, you?" "fine, so's Paul...." "Cool, hes been much happier after WWE payed for his liposuction"

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