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Scanner OTK

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Well, I DID say I'd make LIGHT Macro, and Scanner made things more interesting though, so it became Scanner OTK. It's among my more crazy inventions, but it looks almost half-decent. Could use some help though, that's where you come in.


Monsters: 18


Guardian of Order x3

Cyber Dragon x1


Banisher of the Radiance x3

Blue Thunder T-45 x3

Scanner x3

Cyber Valley x3

D.D. Crow x2


Spells: 17


Machine Duplication x3

Magical Mallet x3

Hand Destruction x2

Dimensional Fissure x2

Soul Release x3

Lightning Vortex x2

Giant Trunade x1

Limiter Removal x1


Traps: 5


Solemn Judgment x3

Bottomless Trap Hole x2

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Honest can't activate when DF/Banisher/Macro is on the field.


Scanner probably isn't dupable.


Ah right' date=' I'll replace the Honests.


There's no ruling against Scanner being Dupable, and since ? is treated as 0 pre-gains, I'll assume it is.


Crab says it is because ? on the field defaults to 0.


I'm assuming that's the truth because Crab said it, and it's what I assumed and hoped for.

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You have no fixed win condition' date=' since you depend on your opponent's monsters.



Not really, any monster with 1500 or more ATK is lethal, throw Orders and Limiter on top and it's totally a win condition.


Honest can't activate when DF/Banisher/Macro is on the field.


Scanner probably isn't dupable.


Ah right' date=' I'll replace the Honests.


There's no ruling against Scanner being Dupable, and since ? is treated as 0 pre-gains, I'll assume it is.


Crab says it is because ? on the field defaults to 0.


I'm assuming that's the truth because Crab said it, and it's what I assumed and hoped for.


Crab said it? It says so right in the official rulebook, so I have little doubt about Scanner being dupable.

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You have no fixed win condition' date=' since you depend on your opponent's monsters.



Not really, any monster with 1500 or more ATK is lethal, throw Orders and Limiter on top and it's totally a win condition.


Regardless, Macro is hardly reliable or consistent, and that inconveniently happens to be the basis of your deck.


You're probably better off using Soul Release or Crow.

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You have no fixed win condition' date=' since you depend on your opponent's monsters.



Not really, any monster with 1500 or more ATK is lethal, throw Orders and Limiter on top and it's totally a win condition.


Regardless, Macro is hardly reliable or consistent, and that inconveniently happens to be the basis of your deck.


You're probably better off using Soul Release or Crow.


The 3 D-Fissures and Banishers are more reliable, but D.D. Crow and Soul Release aren't bad ideas at all, implemented and +repped.

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My fixes.




[3] Guardian of Order


[1] Cyber Dragon


[3] D.D. Survivor

[3] Banisher of the Radiance

[3] Scanner

[3] Cyber Valley

[2] Rose, Warrior of Revenge




[3] Machine Duplication

[3] Dimensional Fissure

[2] Lightning Vortex

[2] Soul Release

[1] Card Destruction

[1] Limiter Removal

[1] Heavy Storm

[1] Mystical Space Typhoon

[1] Giant Trunade

[1] Brain Control

[1] Monster Reborn




[3] Solemn Judgment

[1] Torrential Tribute

[1] Return from the Different Dimension




[3] Stardust Dragon

[1] Red Dragon Archfiend

[1] Thought Ruler Archfiend

[1] Colossal Fighter


[2] Black Rose Dragon

[1] Dark Strike Fighter


[1] Goyo Guardian

[1] Deathkaiser Dragon


[1] Magical Android


[1] Gladiator Beast Gyzarus

[1] Gladiator Beast Heraklinos

[1] Chimeratech Fortress Dragon

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