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Junk Assault Deck

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Well, this is my BEST deck:


Tribute Monsters 6:


Red Dragon Archfiend/Assault Mode

Stardust Dragon/Assault Mode

Gorz the Emissary of Darkness

The Tricky x2

Cyber Dragon


Monsters 16:


Turbo Synchron

Junk Synchron x3

Nitro Synchron x2

Breaker the Magical Warrior


Quillbolt Hedgehog x2

Dark Resonator

Exiled Force

Speed Warrior


Spells 11:


Lightning Vortex

Smashing Ground

Reinforcements of the Army

Brain Control

Fighting Spirit

Heavy Storm

Monster Reborn

Enemy Controller

Mystical Space Typhoon

Foolish Burial

Assault Teleport


Traps 9:


Bottomless Trap Hole

Solemn Judgment x2

Threatening Roar x3

Assault Mode Activate x2

Pheonix Wing Wind Blast



Extra Deck 10:


Stardust Dragon x3

Black Rose Dragon x3

Red Dragon Archfiend x3

Goyo Guardian

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Don't run Junk Warrior except in Wetlands decks.


Don't run Synchrons (except Junk Synchron, but only in Wetlands decks). Instead, use something like Plaguespreader (it's expensive and hard to find, but you don't need to have a deck in real life to post it)


Don't run Sakuretsu, Seven Tools, or Synchro Strike. Instead, use Solemn Judgment, Phoenix Wing Wind Blast, and/or Threatening Roar.


Run Assault Teleport (IIRC, that was its name).


Remove Avenging Knight Parshath, Colossal Fighter and its /Assault Mode form, Junk Warrior, Nitro Warrior, Turbo Warrior, and Ojama Knight. Replace them with more copies of Stardust, Black Rose, and Red Dragon Archfiend.


You have no right to have Stardust Dragon as your Duel Spirit. You are just an anime wannabe.


Ragnus still fails.

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