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Legend Zero

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What about the first Digi-destined. I know their has to be a Digimon or evolution of one of them that u cant stand. I personally can't stand Togemon.


Nope I really can't complain about any of them.


Togemon was cool come on A huge cactus with Boxing Gloves, thats crazy! Although its evo line is weird.

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Ophanimon was a major character in Frontier. I don't blame you if you didn't know that' date=' since Frontier sucked.


Frontier does suck but I did bother to read the entire plot on Wiki and saw the entire Episode 23, 24, 25, last episode, the episode where Patamon hatches, and the episode where Lopmon and Salamon hatch.




EDIT: I originally wanted to choose Ryo as my avi but then realized that Cyberdramon doesn't have that Digimon Sequence.

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my favourytes are from season 1 WarGreymon and Machinedramon.

And i figured out a little very late that TK was the major hero from that season because he defeated Piedmon(i think is wrytten like that) when no one else couldnt.And i never get to know why Angemon dies when he beats devimon

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By the way' date=' before I post this on the Fanfic section, can you people tell me the flaws and stuff about my fanfic, I want it to be perfect when it's on the fanfic section. I think I did good for my first fanfic:


[align=center]Digimon: World of the Infinite


In a place that looked like a black desert full of rocks and where the sky was black, there was two figures in the middle fighting. One looked like a black human-shaped robot while the other looked like a clown with pink sleeves and instead of hands, there were five metal spikes and there were blades on his shoes. His hair was a straight yellow and his face looked vampire-like.


"Come on, HiAndromon! I thought you could be better than that!" shouted the vampire-like clown as he kicked the black robot's chest, sending the black robot flying a mile away and then hitting a mountain.


"Matadormon! I'll delete you right here, right now!" shouted HiAndromon as he jumped a mile from the mountain and then shooting a laser from his hand.


Matadormon didn't move and allowed himself to get hit by the laser. The laser caused the area to be covered in black smoke.


"Did I kill him?" HiAndromon said as he landed on the ground. When the smoke cleared, Matadormon was standing unscratched holding a red ball in his spike-like hands.


"HiAndromon, you are truly formidable. But not enough to beat me." Matadormon said. He then swallowed the red ball.


"What?! You do realize you just swallowed a bass of mass nuclear energy right?!"


"Yes, I do" Matadormon then started glowing and at the same time, the ground started shaking. Matadormon laughed at this and said "Congratulations! You are the first to see my true form!"


Just then, seven orb's floated down from the sky circling Matadormon. The sky turned blue and then Matadormon looked up and saw a blue and silver armored person with ten yellow wings. And he had angel-like symbols on each part of his armor. "Seraphimon." Matadormon muttered as the sky turned blue again.


Matadormon then glowed brighter and started to change shape. But Seraphimon then raised his hands and all seven orbs fired white lasers at Matadormon and the light of the lasers blinded HiAndromon.


But then the light suddenly stopped and the sky turned black again. Then where Matadormon was before was a creature whose lower body was what looked like a crawling bear with wolf feet and a yellow horse-like tail and where the shoulders are are instead two bloodthirsty shark-like heads without eyes or nostrils with sharp teeth and snake-like tongues.And where the head of the bear usually is was instead what had the shape of the upper body of a human with long yellow hair, horns, and wearing a blue mask. The skin of the upper body was dark red and the hands looked like those of zombies. Behind the upper body were two giant bat-like wings.


In front of the creature was Seraphimon lying on the ground and his armor had cracked. HiAndromon took a step back as he saw the dying Seraphimon. Seraphimon then started growing horns on his head and the cracks started to get larger. Seraphimon then was able to say weakly "Hi...Andromon... Go to the human world....and find....the Digidestined!"


HiAndromon nodded and started running as fast as he could to the opposite direction of the once Matadormon.


"You aren't getting away!" The creature shouted as he raised his hand only for Seraphimon to jump in the way and get crystallized. As the creature kicked the crystallized Seraphimon, HiAndromon made his escape.


"Damn you, Seraphimon! I will send you into the depth of Darkness!" the creature shouted.


[spoiler=Chapter 1]


[align=center]Digimon: World of the Infinte

Chapter 1: Origin of the Adventure


Somewhere in a mansion, a boy around the age of twelve was ripping paper, in other words, his homework. He had black hair and brown hair, he was wearing a green jacket and a red shirt underneath and black jeans.


"Screw this!" he groaned as he ripped the paper. He then took the pieces of paper, wrapped them into a ball and threw it out of the open window. He then took a rope from his closet and then climbed from the window to the enormous garden filled with flowers outside. He took the rope and then climbed the wall at the back of the garden.


"This isn't too difficult" he muttered as he was climbing the wall. When he got to the top, he jumped off it on the other side.


The boy smirked when he got to the floor. He started running in the direction of the forest.


Just then, he tripped on something. "Ouch!" the thing what the boy tripped on said.


"Huh?" the boy turned to see what he tripped on. It looked like a small animal head with a tail and was wearing a metal mask with two spikes on it.


"W-What are you?!" the boy said, shocked and confused.

"Me? I'm Kapurimon. A digimon. And I guess you aren't familiar with the term." the thing said.

"Yeah...A Digimon....What is that?"

"Cut the explanation. Are you a Digi-Destined?"



The creature opened it's mouth wide and then a device came out of it. It then floated into the boy's hands.


"What is this?" the boy asked.

"A Digivice" Kapurimon said. "Now then, what's your name?" it then asked.


"It's Shao."the boy replied.

"Shao, can you go to the giant rock in the forest and wait there? I need to search for the others."

"I don't even know what you are. Why should I listen to you?"

"Be quiet and go to the giant rock in that forest and wait there."


Kapurimon then bounced off. "That was weird....Anyway, I'll just do what he says. I might be able to get away from here that way."Shao said as he ran towards the forest.


~~A couple of minutes later~~


Shao was waiting impatient next to what looked like a boulder with a carving of a knight holding a sword which was glowing. . Sometimes I wonder how that boulder got there or who made that picture. The closest mountain is far away seeing as I can barely see it.


The small creature returned with someone following it. Shao recognized the person as soon as he saw him. He wore a blue jacket with a yellow undershirt and had white jeans. He asked "Shao? What are you doing here?"


Shao then looked behind him and said "The small thing told me to come here, Rane."


Kapurimon stared angrily at Shao. "For your information, I'm not always this small!" " Kapurimon shouted.


Kapurimon then sighed. "Now then, show your Digivice to the Imperialdramon carving."


Shao didn't know who Imperialdramon was but he thought it was the carving on the boulder so then he and Rane showed their Digivice to the carving and then it started to glow. "What's going on?!" Rane said, shocked and confused.


"We're going to the Digital World! We're going to the Digital World!" Kapurimon said while bouncing about.


A flash of light glowed which caused Rane and Shao to faint. When Shao awoke, he found himself and Rane (Who was still unconscious) on a golden, flying palace with four enormous dragon-like things in front of him.


One of them looked like an enormous flying pink snake with fur instead of scales, had a pink lion's head, and had small pink wings on it's back.


Another looked like a snake made of blue clouds, had a beard, and had two small wings on it's back.


The other and most terrifying looked like a red snake with a dinosaur head which had vicious teeth, it had two giant wings on it's back. There was a symbol on it's chest and it's ribs could be seen. It had three sharp claw on it's hands instead of fingers.


The last one's lower body looked like a yellow snake with fur instead of scales. It's upper body looked like a wrestler with yellow skin and the head was that of a dragon. His left arm had a red arm band while his right had a blue arm band. His back had three set of golden wings.


Shao stared at them. Where am I?



I think I put too much description.


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