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Power Rangers: Omega Force (Exclusively for the Power Rangers Club)


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Brandon looked at Zedren. "I wanted to know since it still had some existing parts of the original, but I wanted to know if you used current existing technology because I don't want Vile and Gargantia to get a hold of the L.E.E.C.H chips. If its possible, I could find who has been dealing them to the 'devious duo'." he explained. "If it's from the 41st century, we may have a problem."

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OoC: hope this is okay


"May I take a look." Zedren looked at the piece ... "wait I recognize this ... well slightly anyway. This has a certain type of alloy in it. It appears as thought beisdes power it admits the quality f this alloy. This is machine empire stuff, but they would never create something like this since it's only compatible with biological compontents. Tell me ... in the 41st century ... was any technology used from them .. or at least immitated. I know this isn't the machine empire, Mondo's been gone for years, but who ever did certainly has an intellect superior to their ... this is very bad indeed."

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OOC: It's perfect :D


"Well the L.E.E.C.H chips have the same components as this one from the machine empire. That must mean that the world army must have either re-created it or used the exact same ones." as Brandon said that his eyes widen. "Oh no. Those chips must have been tracked. We have to be ready. The world army may bring machines into this time to take the chips at all cost. To them, its more valueable than human life itself."

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Chris looked at Zedren


"So your Zedren!? I was told that by a source that you might be able help me with something. It is an artifact that I found in a place called the Temple of Power. The person I got this from said you destroyed it."


Chris unattached the object from his morpher and handed it to Zedren. It was a round gold coin-like object with a bird depicted on it.


"The person also gave me the other five. I don't know how useful they will be, but he to take them none-the-less"


OOC: DNK, if you don't like this I'll change it

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OoC: Fine with me ;)


"Wait. Are those Ninjetti Power Coins? They've been gone for years. I doubt they still have their ninjetti powers since the powers come from within ... however, there should be enough strength in them left to merge them and make a new power coin. Is that what you had in mind?"

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OoC: This post is gonna not only fill in story and Master zuo's stuff, but also one of my other plot twists that we'll take care of when Aya comes back ... or if she tell me to do the episode.


"The Ninjetti animal spirits were some of the strongest spirits around. I tried many times to be rid of them when I was evil. Those are the same spirits I turned into the Shogun zords and planned to use against the rangers. Eventually they were destroyed ,I assumed, in an explosion at the old command center, but I guessthey somewhat survived. Morphing with them would be too dangerous. If you can't have an outlet for the power it can cause severe pains and almost kill you. I'm pretty sure I should be able to transfer what power is left in there and create a new ninjetti power coin. However, I must be honest ... I don't know if that'll transfer into a new zord or not. Or if there'll even be one."



OoC: Master zuo, pm me with what you want as far as zord and/or spirit ... stuff?

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Brandon continued tinkering with the two computer chips and used an electrical pulse on the L.E.E.C.H chip, but it wouldn't shut off. "What? That was 16,000 volts. How come it didn't overload and shut down?" he asked himself. He shacked it again and still it wouldn't overload.

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Diabolico walked up to Brandon. "If you're afraid of them tracking it ... i can place it in a demon hole. It's sort of like a dimensional tear that only a certain level of demon can make. It has one way in and one way out."


Zedren then spoke to Chris "Chris ... it may be possible to infuse your dragon spirit with the ninjetti. There were legends that the Falcon spirit would be passed on ... but in a different form. Perhaps ... thats why your zord was always slightly diferent. Perhaps ... your spirit was meant to be ninjetti. The other power coins could awaken it. It's worth a shot."

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"never underestimate the power of a demon general. haha" Diabolico disappeared and then reappeared over the city in a giant astral form of himself (his body from shoulders up appears in a spirit form over the city).


OoC: what should Daibolico see. pm me the answer

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OoC: this is to set up Brandons thing as well as another Tetrarch's birth


Diabolico watched over the city .. he sensed nothing of interest. But then he got a massive power reading from the park. It sent shivers down his spine he was about to go check it out when the sky went dark. "Hmph ... just an eclipse. WAIT! ... there's no exclipse planne for today ... or even this year." He looked up and saw a massive ship approaching the ranger base. Diabolico returned to his body and immediately went to the outside screens to show everyone what he had seen.


OoC: you can describe the ship

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Brandon went outside and noticed the ship. The ship stopped close to the ranger base and the three jet boosters stop. As the ship was falling to Earth, the back two jets became legs and the front bosster became a giant claw. As it landed, the machine was visible. the metal on the main part of the tripod machine was blue with camo designs and sported '09' on the side of the machine. "Oh no. It one of the world army's destruction robots." Brandon said as he took out his morpher. The machine raised its claw up in the sky and the bottom of the claw glowed a purple tint. It dropped the claw hard on the ground, cracking the surface it hit and an earhquake.

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OoC: am I seriously the only one who's trying to keep this up?


Auric: "GREAT GALAXIES! I am getting annoyed with these interuptions. I'm going inside that ship and rip it apart from the inside.


OoC: BTW, galesonic ... perhaps we should rethink this thing. pm me and I'll explain. I kinda want to end this eventually and thats harder if we just got a new villian.

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OoC:Sorry, got my DWE game two days ago.


Chris looked at Zedren. He knew of the Ninjetti and the Ninja Zords. The Ape, Bear, Frog, Wolf, Crane, Falcon. It could be possible that considering the cultual influence of the Ninjazords Ninjor could have designed a seventh 'Dragon Ninja Zord'.


"Would it help if we fused the coins with the Omega Force Morphing Grid? I mean, if the Omega Dragonzord is a former Ninjazord wouldn't the coins react with the Dragons own energy and repair themselves?"

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Brandon noticed the tripod-like machine. He was in dead shock at what he saw. the armor was new and polished and the claw had enough power to crush the city in an earthquake. "This must be a new model. I don't have any information on this." he said as he looked at Sean and Auric. "Sean, Auric. We have to stop this thing from terrorizing the city. That claw itself could cause major damage to this town's bedrock."

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"Of course. Auric is always ready to deal out justice. Let's make it so that these cretons will never return. Let us go inside and destroy their data things ... so that they can't trace it to our location or time again. some of you hold it off while some go inside. I will go inside. The rest just attack its outsides and keep it busy."

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"No. I'm coming with you, Auric. I'm the one that knows about the world army's technology. I can try to hack into their transmission and tell them that they have recovered the L.E.E.C.H chips." Brandon said. "It's time they need the learn not to mess with the past."

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As Brandon and Auric got into the ship. There were walkways, lots and lots of walkways. Brandon could see the central core. As he saw it there were a couple of guards surrounding it. "Auric. For a machine this big, there are maybe three central cores. We need to find all of them and take them out. After, the machine is as good as destroyed."

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