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Power Rangers: Omega Force (Exclusively for the Power Rangers Club)


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((OoC: Go ahead. Sean all ready had the spotlight.))


Star held out her hand, where the bow of wings appeared. "Dreamer's Arrow!" A light-weight energy beam shot out and hit Blizzbass, throwing him several feet back. He got up and said,

"Ow ow pain..."


((OoC: There is no zord fight after this, so someone can finish him.))


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OoC: OK, lets end this


Meanwhile Zedren went to wake up Kent who was napping.


"Kent you have to get down there before the whole city freezes."


Kent understood and morphed and teleported.


Kent joined the scene


Kent-"What's up guys, you could handle this on your own. You had to ruin my very important nap."


Joe-"haha. Nice to see you haven't changed. What do you say we finish this."


Kent - "sounds good"


Both of them stretch out there arms and their weapons materialize. They put them lateral to their bodies, then they start glowing and they both blast an energy wave at Blizzbass, slicing a cross of energy into him and cuting him into fourths and then desintergrating.


OoC: 19 and 16 -> 16/5=3 -> 19 + 3 + 2 -> 24

You can end this episode now Ayasato

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OoC: This is my episode, DNova. I'll end it.


After Blizzbass was destroyed, the entire city thawed out. Sean was relieved that everything is back to normal. The rangers teleported back to the base and Sean showed everyone his new power.


Sean - "I stopped Gargantia, for now. Whatever he has up his sleeve, we'll be ready"


Meanwhile, in Gargantia's lair, Gargantia listened to Sean's words


Gargantia - "I don't think so boy. Next time you won't be so lucky!"



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((OoC: Gotcha))


The monster exploded in a thousand different pieces and the rangers demorphed. Star nodded appreciatively. "Good, now that everyone is back, I can finally get some rest. You guys are are going to give me a heart attack someday. Suddenly disappearing, I ask you..." She headed away with the others laughing.


EPISODE 012: Ranger Orange: The Encounter FIN.

EPISODE 013: Ranger Obsidian: The Rebirth START


((OoC: Whenever your ready Fenrir.))

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((Fallen, if you happen to have issues, pm me ;) I like getting into arguments I can't win.))


The Kraken emerged from the sea, still in the Bermuda. It quickly appears on teh beach, behind the rangers. I SHALL SINK YOU INTO OBLIVION! The Kraken roars, slamming it's tentacles on the beach. "Sink? They're on land idiot." An unknown voice replies. The Nidhog slowly descends form the sky and spread it's wings.

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