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Power Rangers: Omega Force (Exclusively for the Power Rangers Club)


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Meanwhile, in the vast regions of space...


A shrill laughter filled the air. "~Teehee! These rangers are wonderfully delicious actors non?" The mysterious figure was speaking to Vile. " 'Actors'? They are down right disgusting if I may say." The figure spoke again. "And the Wolfy Boy (Dominic)... he's even better! He tricked the rangers. Kudos to him." Vile snorted. "Sure he is. Now if only he could follow orders." The giggling figure looked at him and muttered very slowly, "He-does. Just-not-YOUR-orders." The figure laughed outloud again. "Well, let the play resume!"

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Dia - "I wonder ... I wonder if Fenrir would go back to his original base deep within the recesses of the earth. It was pretty close to the erths core, so its very hot down there."


Joe - "Sounds like something Dominic would do. If we don't get there fast he won't kill Star, but the heat will. So how can we get there."


Dia - "I could perhaps summon a demon portal. Its a one way bridge. You can go in but its very hard to get out. you need an equally powerful force on the outside to bring you back."


Zedren - "How bout the zords. The zords have a link with the rangers so they can teleport into them. It'll should still work deep under ground. What do you guys think?"

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Joe - "Same here. Star risked her life to save me more than once. It's the least I can do."


Dia - "Very well then." Diabolico materializes his demon staff and says a chant in a language you can't comprehend and then fires the staff at the wall. A portal then opens.


Joe - "OK guys, let's go."


He walks into the portal (unmorphed).


A huge cavern expanse opens in front of you. There are tons of Stalagtites and stalagmites all around the cavern. There are large demonic statues of wolves, serpents and many others. you see the cage where Star is held about 130 ft away from you. There are also streams of lava falling down grooves cut into the walls which lead into lava pools and rivers thorughtout the space. It's incredibly hot.



OoC: Everyone (except Dom) gets a -1 (-2 if they are unmorphed) to their roll due to the extreme temps.

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"Yeah, sorry to keep you waiting Dominic ..." Joseph says sarcastically "... or am I speaking to Fenrir." He hears Dominic sneeze again. "Well, looks like someones got allergies. I hope your not allergix to dogs, considering you have the spirit of one inside you." Joseph then wipes the sweat off his forehead from the heat.

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OoC: we're no longer in ranger base .... we are in a volcanic cavern. Please keep up everyone.


Another wolf runs by Joseph, he dodges the first, but the second slams into him from behind. Joseph stumbles and almost falls into the lava pit. The lava bubbles and makes his jacket catch on fire. He takes of his jacket and throws it aside.


OoC: Either I'm the only one who has bad rolls sometimes ... or the only one who is honest about them. roll 2-2 = 0.

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OoC: 1) Their demonic ghost wolves. 2) Are you morphed or unmorphed 3) subtract from your roll accordingly.


Joseph stood up. "OK. Enough messing around." He raised both arms. "Gold Ranger Power " and morphed. One of the wolves were running towards him. He tunched it in the mouth and the golden aura of his suit was able to penetrate the darkness creating the it.


OoC: 14-1=13

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(OoC: This is too set up the next episode.)


Elsewhere, in the busy streets of Angel Bay, people were leisurely walking. Everything was... well, normal. A figure appeared over the city. "~Teehee! In case our Wolfy Boy makes a tiny mistake... I'll set the next plan in motion. Oh wait! That's my plan! Muhahahaha I crack myself up." He tore across the sky in a swift motion, causing dozens of small letters to rain down the city.


Down below, a somewhat still confused Iza was still baffling with Joseph's condition. "He was hurt... and yet..." A letter fell right in front of her. It boldy said:

~Teehee, come to the most thrilling show of a Life time,

Tricks and Performances for all ages!

And a hint of mysteriousness to add to your night.

Come to the Masked Ensemble Circus!

We guarantee you'll have the life knocked right out of you.

She looked at it, and in a hypnotic state said to herself. "Maybe I should go here..."


Above her, the figure laughed over the city. "Yes my lovely auidence, accept my gracious invitations!"


(OoC: Okay, back to the rangers and Dominic)

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Dominic sighed. "Okay then, time for the main course..." He stepped forward but was then struck by lack lightning. He held his head in pain but then seemed normal again. He morphed this time, with even more darkness then before. "Come mortals!" He jumped upward and striked the ground around the rangers, causing a massive quake.


((21, O_o))

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