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Power Rangers: Omega Force (Exclusively for the Power Rangers Club)


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As Joe tried to sleep in his room all he could think about was how close he was to not only losing Izabel, but also being killed himself. Just then Zedren walked in. "And how are we doing?"

"Lousy." Joe mumbled

Zedren - "Come on. Look at the bright side. You risked life and limb to protect your girlfriend. And you did it all without breaking one of the main rules. Not too shabby I'd say."


Joe - "Zedren ... with all do respect. I don't want to seem like I'm egocentric or anything,but ... I don't think Iza and I were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Is it possible that Vile actually planned all this."


Zedren - "If there's one thing I know about Vile, it's that nothing he does is by chance. I do have to say ... he seems to be scared of something. Whether it's particularly you, or us as a group, or something else, or maybe all those things ... he's certainly a lot more straight forward than he usually is. I wouldn't have espected him to pull something like this until much later.


Joe - "You seem to know a lot about Vile. Can I ask why? "


Zedren laughs, " That's one story I think we should save for another day. Get some rest. And don't worry about Izabel. I'll have Andros or someone talk to her and make up some reason for your disappearance. And maybe next time you and her plan to go out, maybe you should have a double date with Tom and Kat, or Andros and Ashley."


Joe - "Good idea. Night Zedren.



OoC: END EPISODE. We'll pick up the next episode from after here. This way we can think about how certain things will be explained and happen. I'm liking how this is going. Hope all of you are. :)

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OoC: In Zeo tommy started dating Katherine and she is later shown maried to Tommy and their son is a ranger years in the future. Fenrir ... we might know ... but our rangers elves still don't. :o BTW, I updated that first page with a new episode summary, Ranchor bio, and Dominic bio. Also BTW, what did you see as Joe's weakness ... Izabel?

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Meanwhile in Vile's Lair, "That Dominic is really starting to get on my nerves. He more trouble than he's worth. Ranchor was just about to get rid of the Gold Ranger and then he had to interrupt. He keeps interferring just to do things his way...wait, what's this. He's found the Omega base. Maybe he does have some worth while skills. Fine, I'll let him slide for now .... but if he keeps ruining my plans I'll 'cut him lose' or cut him in half what ever seems better. I'll watch his movements for now .. then if need be i'llsend a monster. Ohhh what fun ... I can't wait to see the look on the rangers' faces when they have to deal with Dominic's Ranger form."


Back at the Omega base, the team is still unaware of Dominic's intent as well as his presence in the base.

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Vile - "Well. So Dominic has broken into the control room. Perhaps I should give him more credit. Much like Dominic I like to do things my way as well, but unlike him my wy will actually help. I'll send down a group of strikers to busy the rangers."


Meanwhile back in Angel Bay, as Vent and some of the Rangers are hanging out ... they are immediately ambushed by a punch of Strikers (20).

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OoC: Remember 1-5 you miss and get counter attacked by the target.


The dodging striker then kicked Kent into a pile of trash cans.


Another striker goes to attack Vent, but Vent quickly dives put of the way and the Striker slams head first into the street lamp.


Meanwhile Vile mentally communicates with Dominic again. "How your search going? Any promising info that we can use?"

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OoC: sorry, Lawliet knows my rules better than I do. :p That's only for boss battles. Yes. But i did realize I never made a way for you guys to get hurt from strikers. i'll make them attack with the boss statistics. Unless someone can give me an idea. BTW, what do you mean about "what Zedren does?"


Vile " Excellent. Let's see what we got here. Ahh ... so that explains why the panther zord can do what it does ... it is Zord's old weapon. I thought I recognized it. And lets see the Spino, Stego, Raptor and Sabertooth are all man made so they will have their limits. The dragon zord huh .. this could prove tricky, better watch out for it, but it too shows signs of weakness. Lets see now .... ah here we go ... just as I feared the Liopleurodon zord is very dangerous .. but whats this ... could it be. Well there you have it. That explains why its so powerful. Ohh this will be quite delicious. I wonder if the Gold Ranger even knows about this. Oh .. I can;t wait. Great work Dominic keep it up. If you keep this up, when i take over the galaxy, I'll put you in charge of ruling earth."


Meanwhile back in Angel Bay. 3 Strikers attacked. The first one head butted Vent, the second missed Vent and got hit with a trash can, and the 3rd tried to bit John, but missed.

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