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The World Ends With You: At the World's End [RP][PG-13]


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Finally! An RP of The World Ends With You! I am so, totally in!


Name: Ben Thompson

Age: 17

Ethnicity: British

Personality: He may be quite shy/causus towards new people, and many may see him as a game geek, but when he's in the face of danger and when he trusts/knows someone enough, he's a kind, calm person willing to do the right thing, despite being quite cocky and cracking the occasional bad joke every now and then. He rearly gets angry, and he only does when he see's somthing that truly is evil and sick. He will also occasionally blurt out Nintendo/game/Anime jokes for a laugh, even though this will anoy most people! :mrgreen:


In other words, shy at first, calm afterwards, and then cocky at the end!


Biography/History: Most might say he's just a big softy from being shy all the time. But those people know nothing.


From what he can remember, he was born inside a lab facilaty, full of scientists and sick experiments. He to, was an experiment, to see if modern Bio-Teck could create the first "SuperHuman", which was his only purpose.


During his first 10 years of his life, he was sujected to torturous experiments, tests, and so on that were not only exausting and physically, mentally and physcologically draining, they were also cruel and vicous. Lets just say the European Union would have been up their backsides with a bunch of Human Right Acts if anyone ever discovered this, and no one ever did.


Until Ben discovered what his "SuperHuman" ability was. Unaware to the scientists, he practised this ability during his free time when he should have used that time to rest and sleep, before he was to be tortured again, and when he was ready, he escaped.


He wasn't meant to do this, and the scientists have been after him ever since, even though it has been 7 years since it occured. Ever since that day, he's been on the run, meeting new people, getting new hobbies (Hence how he knows about Nintendo games and Anime!), getting chased by the scientists other "SuperHuman" experiments sent out to capture him, being neglected by everyone due to his "Difference".


The only people that has ever acknologed him as a human being rather than a freak, the only ones that care about him, respect him, is a small family. (OoC: I'm not saying who these are yet, it'll be revieled in the RP! :mrgreen: )


Appearance: Has blond, flat but messy hair, blue eyes, and likes to wear blue jeans and grey shirt, with a black jacket.


Audition: Somewhere in Blackpool, no one would probably see the strange boy, slowly walking in the ally ways. At least, I hope thats the case, as I need to remain hiden from those things sent out by the Scientists!


Anyway, laterly I was begining to wonder; was I really born as a test tube baby, or did I really have a mam and dad? a family? loved ones who loved me? Surpised at myself for this sidden thought, I shook my head. No, I can't risk having a family. What if the Scientists get them to?


I have to admit though, ever since I met those two in Middlesbrough, I had a taste of what its like to have a family. They acknologed me, which is something I'll always be gratefull and love them for. Maybe i'll-


Right at the corner of my eye, I saw something move quickly, so quick that when I truned around to see, the thing was already behind my back with a knife at my throut. Is this another one of those scientist's SuperHumans?


???: Your lucky; the Co-Operators don't want you anymore.


With those last words, he quickly slit my throat. Blood poured from my neck, as I slowly fell to the ground. It's strange how time slows down when your slowly dieing...or was that because I saw a strange light? I don't know. I passed out before I could answer this.


I hope it isn't too long! Oh, and a pat on the back for the bloke who can guess where I based the Bio from!

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

Name: Perseus von Dorvan

Age: 14

Ethnicity: Half-Dutch, half-Filipino... O,x You see more of the Filipino in him, though.

Personality: Perseus often rejected companionship in favor of solitude — a tendency which contributed to his death. He built his reputation on being constantly disagreeable and argumentative, constantly testing the wills of those around him and challenging his own. He is kind enough, though, when he wants to be. He has transcended reputation into believing that he simply wants to be the antagonist, a ubiquitous obstacle that others must clear to better themselves. He vaguely wonders if his experience as the antagonist will help him play the Reaper's Game.

Biography/History: (PLZ NOT NAO, will do when Kyub finishes)

Appearance: A dark-haired Filipino with intense hazel eyes. Wears a black and silver trench coat and a dark bowler, with black dress pants and shoes. For some reason, he gains mobility from this getup. :?

Audition: (PLZ NOT NAO, will do when Kyub finishes)

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[align=center]Ok. 2 Questions:


1. What happens when we come back to life?

2. What happens when we are erased?[/align]


1. Well... you come back to life. Your soul is placed back inside your body and you... well, live again.

2. When you are erased is soul is, well, erased from existence. When you enter the game, you have to pay an entry fee, the thing that is most important to you. If you lose the Reaper's Game then you lose both your entry fee and your right to exist.


SGY reserved.

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Obvious Maximum Ride reference is obvious. Your accepted' date=' even though I cannot understand how you believed that audit to be long.



OoC: Heheheh! :mrgreen: I had a feeling that was obvious. Anyway, don't worry, as his "Superhuman" Power relates to the Reapers Game (As well as the Co-Operators), as you'll find out during the RP!


[align=center]Ok. 2 Questions:


1. What happens when we come back to life?

2. What happens when we are erased?[/align]


I know that. I'm talking about the RP. What do we do then?


Um' date=' well... nothing, cause your... erased? From existence?



OoC: He's correct about that, well, unless you can put the erased soul into a Pin, as Mr. H did in the actual game. Besides, I doubt you'll be erased anyway, as we're the main characters, like Neku (From the game, obviously).


Anyway, how many more people do we need before we start?

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