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Bleach: The Eternal Struggle llStartedll (Still Accepting by PM)


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--Not you >.<

Zak: Way of binding #81' date=' Splitting Void

*Creates a barier to block the attack*



This barely makes up a sentence. >.<

yeay, but how amd i soposed to make that last 4 sentences?

All i did was create a barier.


Zak: *FS to aboid the black box*

oh so you wana play like that huh.

way of binding #99 pt 1. Seal.

*Binds Ovan's arms with spiritual fabric and iron shafts*

way of binding #99 pt 2, First song, Halting Fabric

*covers Ovan from head to toe with spiritual fabric*

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Tasaki steped inbetween them "ALRIGHT STOP!" Ovan's Spiritual Pressure stobed the Blades "realy? thats all?" Ovan taunted, while Tasaki kicked Zak in the stomach "realy! do we need to fight each other?" Ovan chuckled "Hadō #99... Tenshakrij!" Tasaki kicked Ovan in the Face to stop him


ooc: Tenshakrij is a Custom Kedo(Hado Class) of mine, it basicly paralized the Target(Zak) and imoblizes them until Ovan says another Kido or until Ovan wants to stop the Kido

also sry, i had some comp troubles

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As the mask shattered revealing more of Chris' face as his eyes remained black. He continued to jump from branch to branch in the distance of the deserted town. He a single leap he lands on the ground when he lands the ground cracks leaving a small crater. Chris falls over as the rest of the mask brakes.

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Ovan broke free of the Kido and fixed his glasses "realy i don't care for Trivial Game," Ovan dusted himself off and fixed the broken strap "your luck this Seal Didn't break off!"


Tasaki ripped of Zaks Caprain Badge and destroyed it "from now onward you are Not Alied with the Soul Society!"(ooc: you can help, but... Tasaki will kick your ass) Tasaki walke dover to Ovan who was feeling a strange flux in Spiritual Pressure(ooc: thats Chris, if you want we can find you)

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Ovan steped forward "for attacking a higher rank Officer!" Tasaki and Ovan walked off and tryed to find the source of the Flux "... how did you get into the Kido Corps, Ovan?" Tasaki asked unsure "it took a year of hard training i'll tell you that..." Ovan started to tell the tale of his journy into the Kido Corps while they walked

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--Be even tougher >.> then why did you meet up with her?


are you talking to me?


i dident meet up with her' date=' she attacked me from out of nowhere for no reason!



--Well then run >.>

Takuya picked up the kid and felt a lot of Spiritual Pressure. "How can a Spiritual Pressure be higher then a captain's?" he asked as he ran towards the source.


Chris got up as he sheathed his sword as he put it in his belt. "What happened?" Chris leaned against a building.

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Tasaki and Ovan ranover to man who was leaning on a building "Ovan, is that him?" Ovan noded and walked over to him "State you Name" Tasaki walked next to Ovan "Sorry about him, we where just attacked(ooc: white lies never hurt anyone)" she put her arm infront of Ovan "I'm the Ex-Captain Commander Tasaki Jankigo, and this is/was the Head of the Kido Corps Ovan"

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Zak: *Get's up off the ground after the kido #99 wear's off*

*Fixes his captain's uniform so nobody can see the mission badge*

i have to get that badge back, nomater what

*He started tord's the strong presure that he had been feeling for a while*

but by job comes befor my pride, even if i dont have a badge, i will protect these people

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