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Times when it's okay for a Man to Cry

Lazer Yoshi

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When a beloved one dies. Only then is it okay.


I'm to tough to cry from pain even in my lower sections. My brother cries when I pinch him.

When your girlfriend breaks up with you while her new boyfriend carves his initials in your thigh with a rusty saw and your pet pitbull runs up and bites you in the crotch.

Then and only then is it okay to cry.


Suck it up.

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When your girlfriend breaks up with you while her new boyfriend carves his initials in your thigh with a rusty saw and your pet pitbull runs up and bites you in the crotch.

Then and only then is it okay to cry.


Suck it up.


I'll try..

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What about when you're about to destroy your friend at Battleships when he turns the tide? That's horrible...


Maybe you should be crying for playing BattleShip in the first place? =D




I'm not much of a cryer, though. I suppose you could cry if a loved one/pet passes away.

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The only one that confuses me is the Pantera one.


The only one that confues me' date=' is the Futurama one o.0



That episode was very, very sad.


A real man can cry any time he bloody well feels like crying' date=' and if it makes him any less of a man, it simply means that he was never a real man in the first place.



Wise words.

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