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Altered Beast Fan Fic (Chapter 5 is up): Now adding theme songs.

Fallen Hero

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Are you guys talking about a Theme song?

Name:Alex (Last name unknown....)


Country you came from:USA

Beast Form:Werewolf

Side(escapee or hunter):Escapee

Biography:He lived a life of Despair as he lived in Jail all his life.His powers are extremely powerful as he had learned to control it.

Normal Appearance(plz use pics):1199186522_otAnimeGuy.jpg

Beast Appearance(plz use pics if possible):HowlOfTheWerewolf.jpg

Elemental Enhancement(while in beast form, only allowed one):Wind

Special Moves/Abilities(while in beast form and plz describe them the best you can):

Wind Control(Can make the Wind rough or soft)

Tornado Control(Since he only has the power of wind He can Make tornadoes...)

Increased Strength,Hearing,Intelligence, and Jump Height.

Transformation(how they turn into the beast form):The Wind gets roush, It surrounds him and he transform.

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1. yes we're talking about theme songs

2. like you're request. i just need you to chance the pic for normal appearance fenrir has already got that one for auster. I might change the thing about being jailed of of his life if i can't think of how that has happened if that's ok with you but i will attempt to see if i can make something work.

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