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I hate your Flip Monsters! (Stall Deck)


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lol, Yeah I thought I would give it a go creating a deck. Since the early days I have always loved to stall, Hopefully with the new Format I can actually give a Deck like this a chance to succeed.



1 Guardian Sphinx

2 Golem Sentry

2 Swarm of Scarabs

2 Swarm of Locusts

3 Warrior Lady of the Wasteland

2 Des Koala

1 Morphing Jar

1 Breaker the Magical Warrior

1 Injection Fairy Lily



1 Crush Card Virus

1 Mirror Force

1 Gravity Bind

2 Threatening Roar

3 Solemn Judgement

3 Jar of Greed



1 Reinforcement of the Army

1 Monster Reborn

1 Heavy Storm

1 Level Limit Area B

1 Wave Motion Cannon

1 Mystical Space Typhoon

1 Gold Sarcophygus (Wrong spelling lol)

2 Book of Moon

1 United we Stand

1 Mage Power

2 Allure of Darkness

1 Brain Control

1 Messenger of Peace


Please go easy on me as this is my Second deck created. Plan with this one is all Stall. Lay down some defensive cover then Get a hit in when I can. Crush Card Virus is mostly for the Scarabs and Locusts. If there is anything illegal please let me know. DO NOT flame me.

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3 x Swarm of Scarabs

3 x Stealth Bird

3 x Des Lacooda

2 x Exiled Force

2 x Swarm of Locusts

2 x Mask of Darkness

2 x Bountiful Artemis

1 x Sangan




3 x Wave-Motion Cannon

3 x Messenger of Peace

2 x Book of Moon

1 x Level Limit - Area B

1 x Monster Reborn


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3 x Solemn Judgement

3 x Dark Bribe

3 x Divine Wrath

1 x Royal Oppression

1 x Crush Card Virus

1 x Torrential Tribute

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