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Arcana Lightsworn Deckout


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this isnt my real deck, i just made this one for fun (i wanted to try using arcana force cards):

Title: Arcana Lightsworn Swap Deckout


Monsters: 23

3x Jain, Lightsworn Paladin

2x Lyla, Ligtsworn Sorceress

2x Ehren Lightsworn Monk

3x Shining Angel

3x Arcana Force 18 - The Moon

3x Arcana Force 3 - The Empress

3x Arcana Force 4 - The Emperor

3x Arcana Force 1 - The Magician

1x Arcana Force 7 - The Chariot


Spells: 9

1x Creature Swap

2x Dark World Dealings

1x Fissure

1x Smashing Ground

1x Mystical Space Typhoon

1x Monster Reborn

2x Stumbling

1x Foolish Burial

1x Light Barrier


Trap: 9

1x Give And Take

2x Compulsory Evacuation Device

3x Arcana Call

3x Reversal of Fate

1x Mask of Restrict



Monsters: Basically, for the moon and the Empress, you want the tails effect. since the focus of this deck is to deck out your opponent by giving them your lightsworns, using the moon's tails effect becomes very potent, especially if you give the empress its tails effect and then use the moon to give the empress to your opponent. The magician is just here because if you get his tails effect, it doesnt matter since the main focus of this deck is to deck out your opponent, and if you need the lifepoints, throw it over to the other side with moon or creature swap. The Chariot is in here because just think of its heads effect combo: having the chariot destroy your own monster, and getting it back, then using moon to give your opponent back that lightsworn so you dont have to pay the deck discard. Shining Angel is in here because he can practically summon every monster in this deck, and most importantly the moon is in here since in this deck, both effects have a potential strength. also,you wont be tribute summoning him, instead you will be using cards like foolish burial and monster reborn to got him out.


Spells: The Spells and traps are very important to this deck, but both for different reasons. the spells provide the methods of summoning and bringing back the moon, which is what dark world dealings and foolish burial is here for. Light Barrier is extremely important, as it can provide your monster with the effect it needs. as a side note, dont play light barrier when your opponent has your charriot as they could change its effect after they have already recieved it. Fissure and Smashing Ground are here just in case your opponent gets your chariot or make an advantage of your monsters. And i purposely didnt throw in heavy storm since this deck has field spells and continuouses. stumbling is in here for to prevent your opponent from destroying your key monsters. And creature swap, possibly even better than the moon since your opponent will have to keep the position and be unable to have it do offensive damage.


Traps: The Traps provide both defense and give you a better chance of getting the effect you want. reversal of fate is around in case you get the wrong effect. arcana call is around in case you sent your moon to the graveyard early on without a revival card in your hand. compulsory evacuation device is to go up against D.A.D. or if you gave your opponent a card you may want back (like chariot). Give and take is like a one way creature swap from the graveyard. Finally the Mask of Restrict is around to prevent your opponent from tributing your lightsworns for upcoming core chimeras.

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Where the hell are the Solar Recharges? You have 7 targets. Enough. The idea of combining Lightsworns with Arcana Force is not a good one. Especially when you ignore the good Arcana Force monsters. And giving your opponents your Lightsworns would only help them more so than hurt them. Especially with your choice in LS.


In short. I dont see this working.

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Where the hell are the Solar Recharges? You have 7 targets. Enough. The idea of combining Lightsworns with Arcana Force is not a good one. Especially when you ignore the good Arcana Force monsters. And giving your opponents your Lightsworns would only help them more so than hurt them. Especially with your choice in LS.


In short. I dont see this working.


Hey JD what about Charge:P


And yeah I don't see this to work either

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haha. im a lot better at deck making, i just prefer imagining decks that are really odd. you didnt get the point of the deck though JD. the point was not to make a good deckout deck, but to make a deck using arcana force and lightsworn. if i wanted to, i would never have made an arcana force deck. i just like to play around with that to see if i can make a deck using the arcana's negative effect

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haha. im a lot better at deck making' date=' i just prefer imagining decks that are really odd. you didnt get the point of the deck though JD. the point was not to make a good deckout deck, but to make a deck using arcana force and lightsworn. if i wanted to, i would never have made an arcana force deck. i just like to play around with that to see if i can make a deck using the arcana's negative effect



I prefer using LS to speed up Decks that really need it. Arcana Force itself is a very inconsistent archetype. That is the real problem with them.

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don't use the good LS to swap with them

use the ones they can't take much advantage of like:

Lumina (i don't think they can summon from your graveyard)


Used up Celestia


the most easiest choice would be to swap Jain or Lyla with Lumina because it mills 3 a turn and they only get a 1000 ATK monster unless they run LS

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