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My WC 07 Deck | Sep 06 Ban List


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Best deck I've got on WC 07 and I'm pretty proud of it. I've seen it turn up against me a few times so it's not original but I still seem to be able to hammer them into the ground. This is probably a better build I guess. Hell I would've beaten some guy with a Rating of 1600+ if I hadn't tried to play it safe.


[spoiler=Sep 06 Ban List]







Chaos Sorcerer

Cyber Jar

Fiber Jar

Magical Scientist

Makyura the Destructor

Sinister Serpent

Tribe-Infecting Virus


Witch of the Black Forest


Thousand-Eyes Restrict



Butterfly Dagger - Elma

Catherdral of Nobles

Change of Heart

Dark Hole

Delinquent Duo

Harpie's Feather Duster

Mirage of Nightmare

Monster Reborn

Painful Choice

Pot of Greed


Snatch Steal

The Forceful Sentry



Exchange of Spirit

Imperial Order

Last Turn

Sixth Sense

Time Seal





Exodia Stuff


D.D. Assailant

D.D. Warrior Lady


Dark Magician of Chaos

Forest Guard Green Baboon

Injection Fairy Lily


Magician of Faith


Mask of Darkness

Morphing Jar

Night Assailant

Protector of the Sanctuary

Sacred Phoenix of Nepthys


Spirit Reaper

Treeborn Frog

Twin-Headed Behemoth

Victory Dragon



Book of Moon

Card destruction


Excavation of Mage Stones

Future Fusion

Graceful Charity

Heavy Storm

Last Will

Level Limit - Area B

Limeter Removal

Mage Power


Mystical Space Typhoon

Nobelman of Crossout

Pot of Avarice

Premature Burial


Swords of Revealing Light

United We Stand



Call of the Haunted


Crush Card Virus

Gravity Bind

Magic Cylinder

Mirror Force

Ring of destruction


Ultimate Offering


Semi Limited



Apprentice Magician

Exiled Force

Manticore of Darkness



Creature Swap

Giant Trunade


Upstart goblin



Deck Devastation Virus

Good Goblin Housekeeping

Reckless Greed

Wall of Revealing Light





[spoiler=The Deck * 42]


Monsters * 20

D Hero - Bloo-d*2

D Hero - Dogma*2

D Hero - Malicious*3




D Hero - Diamond Dude*2

D Hero - Disk Commander

D Hero - Fear Monger*2




Snipe Hunter*2


Spells * 15

Brain Control*2


D Draw*3

Excavation of Mage Stones

Foolish Burial*2

Lightning Vortex*2

Premature Burial




Traps * 7

Call of the Haunted

Crush Card Virus

Mirror Force

Sakuretsu Armor*2






This consistently rapes but help from the experts would be cool. Explanations for fixes.

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I figured seeing as how it doesn't follow current list and it isn't IRL it's better in Video Games. If a mod wants to move it they can but other wise it's staying here.


Also, thanks; I've never got a positive comment on one of my decks before.

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I think I will be using this on WC08

Unless you remove the banlist' date=' You cant.

Stratos and Ring of Destruction were banned during the end of Wc07


And one of the reasons why Wc07 is harder then08: The coms [i']CONSTANTLY[/i] spam Stratos.


I can remove the banlist. Well, not entirely, but I can make the deck with it. I'll set it so that 1 forb card is allowed and pow! Ring of Destruction in my deck, and as Stratos is only Limited...

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What's all this talk about Ring of Destruction. I didn't put it in there' date=' is it a bonus? I'd prefer not to have another card that shaves my Life Points off though.



Felix, We discussed this on GameFAQs at some point.

We had all agreed that Ring of Destruction, was too easy to use, and can win the duel for you if you use it correctly.

In addition to that, Cyberstien finally got Banned, Because the 5000 Lifepoint cost is just rediculous.


Shortly after, Stratos got limited.

Because its an 1800ATK swarming monster. And thats just broken.



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just pwned a 800 rank guy over WiFi.


Look' date=' Rank doesnt matter. It depends on the deck.

If its some noob-cake with a 1532 rating, And an 80 card E-Hero deck, Then who really cares.


Now if you say you were in a double duel, With 2 guys who top-decked Raiza, And your partner is a tard who runs Neos and Polymerization, [i']THEN[/i] it would be cool.

^Its a true story btw...^

Me and my team-mate lost, Because my team-mate disconnected after thare Mobius destroyed his Spellbinding Circle and Magic Cylinder.

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Anyway stop SPAMMING' date=' either help, rate or don't post... sorry



Oh, Your no fun.

And as an idea, You could remove both Dogmas, and add another Plasma and a 3rd Solemn

(Dogma never worked for me, Since I would ALWAYS draw it at the exact wrong time)

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Meh, Plasma is win condition and Dogma's effect is pwnage in short term and is better if there are no monsters on opponent's field. I've sided another Plasma and Solemn so if second battle calls for it then that's what I'll do.

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I have enough draw power with 3 D Draws's. Plus extra Disks would stop me from being able to use Fear and Diamond at 2. It's not a big part of the deck and could easily be scraped.


Yea, Thats true.

Just, I was messing around without a banlist, and made an Abyss Soldier abuse deck.

Abyss Soldier + Sinister Serpent + Premature + Disk Commander is awesome.

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