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My Glad Beast for March 2009!

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Okay, this deck is sweet and really fun.

[spoiler=Dont read the deck, Watch it instead!]





Monsters: 17

2x Rescue Cat

2x Test Tiger

3x Samnite

2x Laquari

1x secutor

1x Bestiari

1x Murmillo

1x Darius

1x Equeste

1x hoplomus

1x sangan

1x Morphing Jar


Spells: 13

2x Proving Grounds

3x Cold Wave

2x Book of moon

2x enemy controller

1x typhoon

1x brain control

1x monster reborn

1x heavy storm


Traps: 10

1x Mirror force

1x Torrential

3x solemn

2x chariot

2x bottomless

1x Waboku


Extra: 15

2x Gyzarus

2x Herk

1x android

1x black rose

1x dark strike fighter

2x colossal

1x goyo

2x thought ruler

1x red dragon

2x stardust


Side: 15

1x Retiari

2x Mind Crush

2x Compulsory

1x breaker

2x twister

2x light imprisoning mirror

2x neo spacian Dark Panther

3x koa'ki Meiru Guardian


Total: 40/15/15

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Try to get:

+1 Test Tiger

+3 Elemental Hero Prisma

+1 Elemental Hero Stratos

+1 Reinforcement of the Army


No. With only 1 Bestiari' date=' Prisma is dead. We need to evolve into bigger and better things.



I don't find hem dead. Just a little riskier and he still can be used with Liquari, but regardless 3 Test Tigers is still needed.

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Prove how 3 Test Tigers are Needed? What happens when you draw dead test tigers (And believe me you do) In this type of deck, If you draw test tiger, you only ever wanna draw that 1. Your goal should be to save your test tigers for rescue cat so you can get any glad beast you want.

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Prove how 3 Test Tigers are Needed? What happens when you draw dead test tigers (And believe me you do) In this type of deck' date=' If you draw test tiger, you only ever wanna draw that 1. Your goal should be to save your test tigers for rescue cat so you can get any glad beast you want.



Test Tiger is only a dead draw if you have no glads in hand or on field, and Rescue Cat you can use with Samnite. If fact have Rescue Cat and Tiger in hand summon Cat bring out 2 Samnite special summon Tiger tribute return a Samnite for Bestiari detroy a spell or trap contact for Gyzarus destroy up to 2 more cards; or with Prisma like I suggested earlier summon Prisma show Gyzarus discard Bestiari from deck special summon Tiger tribute return your former Prisma to deck bring out Darius special summon Bestiari from grave, cantact fuse Gyzarus destroy up to 2 cards.

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I would call you captin obvious, but that be to easy. All this is known already, but none of it proves a good reason to main deck 3. If anything, the following sentence proves that I should keep it at 2.


Test Tiger is only a dead draw if you have no glads in hand


If i didn't draw the cat, I would have drawn something else.

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Samnite is unnecessary at 3.

It isn't. I play three because I never want a dead Rescue Cat.


Only one waboku?


Only one darius?


I have never tried glads so I could just be spewing stupidity.

This deck is very aggresive as aposed to other Glad beast decks. If it weren't for secutor, I probably wouldn't play waboku at all.


Also with bestiari at 1, There is no need for me to run more than 1 darius.

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I would call you captin obvious' date=' but that be to easy. All this is known already, but none of it proves a good reason to main deck 3. If anything, the following sentence proves that I should keep it at 2.


Test Tiger is only a dead draw if you have no glads in hand]

You forgot "or field" and all of tiger's uses are obvious he has no secretes.[/b


If i didn't draw the cat, I would have drawn something else.


If you didn't draw Secutor or Cold wave you would've drawn something else. Bad argument is bad. >_>

My examples might of been obvious, but they're efficient, they work, and they're are more or less reliable. You haven't proved 3 tiger is bad, and Cold Wave is a worse card to draw if you got no monsters in hand or on the field.

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I would call you captin obvious' date=' but that be to easy. All this is known already, but none of it proves a good reason to main deck 3. If anything, the following sentence proves that I should keep it at 2.


Test Tiger is only a dead draw if you have no glads in hand]

You forgot "or field" and all of tiger's uses are obvious he has no secretes.[/b


If i didn't draw the cat, I would have drawn something else.


If you didn't draw Secutor or Cold wave you would've drawn something else. Bad argument is bad. >_>

My examples might of been obvious, but they're efficient, they work, and they're are more or less reliable. You haven't proved 3 tiger is bad, and Cold Wave is a worse card to draw if you got no monsters in hand or on the field.


Monster reborn is a bad card to draw if neither you or your opponent has monsters in the grave. Countering said bad arguments with another bad argument is bad. Ill agree to disagree. I disagree with running 3 test tigers. I also disagree with more than 1 Darius. I disagree to Prisma.


Next Fix Plz.

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I know this deck hasnt gotten a post in over a day and might be considered dead but I saw OrangePeel make a topic saying that Nate12345 wasnt running 3 Test Tigers and I had to see it to believe it. You need the third Test Tiger. Im going to be nice and make a few fixes. You say this plays aggressively? fine


-1 Samnite

-1 MJar

-1 Cold Wave

-1 Typhoon

-1 Waboku

-2 ECon

+1 Test Tiger

+2 Prisma

+1 Darius

+2 Shrink

+1 Plaguespreader

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Why does everybody want to run prisma? Has anybody actually Played with an actual GB deck since the new ban list? Prisma with only 1 Bestiari is a bad move. Using Prisma with Laquari, is almost equally bad. Prisma's main focus in the deck was to make Gyzarus consistently. With the meta being ridiculously slow now, Bottomless is running a muck. The likelihood of a second turn Heri is made more possible than a second turn Gyzarus.

The only thing I may try from your fixes would be PSZ. Because Goyo could be godly in a mirror match. Also, Econ is better than Shrink for the simple fact, that it can snatch. And if I use RC first, I still have samnite to attack with.

Also, Anybody still in doubt with the deck can watch this video.
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