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Junk warrior deck


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Alright I made a junk warrior deck a couple of weeks ago and was wondering if i should submit it but you know what I need to find out how to make it better so here is the list


Monsters 21

junk synchron 3

turbo synchron 2

nitro synchron 1

copycat 1

exiled force 2

obnoxious celtic guard 1

speed warrior 1

quillbolt hedgehog 3

fortress warrior 1

command knight 2

marauding captain 2

field-commander rahz 2


Spells 12

monster reborn 1

monster reincarnation 1

heavy storm 1

reinforcement of the army 1

brain control 1

double summon 1

pot of avarice 1

the A. forces 2

mystical space typhoon 1

the warrior returning alive 1

lightning vortex 1



magic jammer 1

seven tools of the bandit 1

sakuretsu armor 2

bottomless trap hole 1

half or nothing 2

forced back 1

scrap iron scarecrow 1


Synchros 12

junk warrior 3

turbo warrior 2

nitro warrior 1

gaia knight the force of earth 3

colossal fighter 3


I am planing on getting a stardust and also another forced back to switch out one half or nothing or the bottomless, I barely got one fortress warrior today and i took out one speed warrior and im iffy about the copycat my friend made the suggestion for when i bring out junk warrior *as in i summon copy and use its ability then synchro junk synchron and a fort or speed warrior and junk gains copys attack* but yes i just want to know what would make the deck better it is fast right now but hey it can always be better P.s. i have a mirror force but that is in my macro monarch deck and i have no solemn judgments i dont really have a good trading binder or the cash to get them.

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anyone? I mean I see 31 people that have looked at it already and no comments at all? and if the deck is so horrible that you are in shock that you cant post then im sorry that I posted the deck but still any help maybe another fortress warrior insted of the speed *although having two commands and two a forces with a just summond speed warrior is amazing* or maybe take out the copy for another 2 star monster or maybe adding acouple of actual monsters that dont need synchroing? you know that stuff P.s. sorry for complaining about the posts you know as a just in case

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well i played when it first came out but then stoped, and then I came back when .... dulist genesis came out or was about to come out i usualy play with really hard opponents ...or i hope i think they are most of them or some of them run traditional to advance decks like cyber otk or monarchs and even dad so i have some experience i hope idk i judge myself on playing skills cause of what i see here on the forums on the do's and donts of the game i have about 7 or 8 decks that I always like to run but there nothing compaired to the decks i see here i dont really have all the best staples like sol and mali and i just barely got my first mirror force about a month ago so that got me excited but yea thats about all the exp i have and i hope to lvl up soon he he he

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