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Kirby's Dreamland: The Fight for Popstar


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OoC: Ok. Also, I'll catalogue your colors and what Air Ride Machine you have. If your name doesn't have a color, it means you haven't specified, making you pink. If your name doesn't have an ARM (air ride machine), you haven't specified and have the Warp Star.

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OoC: Rocket Star iz mine!


Cutter Kirby was nicely flying around in the Rocket Star, observing the beautiful landscape below when suddenly. CRASH! Cutter Kirby went tumbling to the ground, and soon following, the Rocket Star fell on top of him "OW!!!!" Cutter Kirby yelled as he struggled to get it off of him. Eventually, it came off.

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OoC: One thing that's always bothered me, how can Kirby grab onto stuff with only little stubby balls for hands?


Kirby: Well, now we have to find more of us to fight evil.

*Kirby sees Cutter and Sonic Kirby*

Kirby: Hey, there's more of us, let's talk to them.

*Kirby flies down to them*

Kirby: Hiiiiii!

OoC: Also, more than one ppl can have the same color, but not same ARM.

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