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Pokemon Role-Play - Evolution Advanced

End Of The Abyss

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Crysis and Poochyena walk down Route 2, towards Viridian Forest. Suddenly, a Beedrill flies out of the trees. "Poochyena, BITE!" The Pokemon jumped into the air and bit the Beedrill. "Now, Take-Down!" Poochyena, still gripping the wild Pokemon in it's jaw, fell towards the Earth and slammed Beedrill down. Cage threw a Poke'Ball and captured the Beedrill in style. He grinned and continued to Viridian Forest.

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Brandon and Aron walked towards Viridian Forest in a distinctively bad mood. No-one in the Pokemon Centre had wanted to battle and now the pair were itching for a match. He picked up a stone and hurled it into a nearby lake as he muttered something about a 'boring day'. A disturbance moved steadily closer from the point where his stone struck. Out hopped a very angry looking Marrill. "Finally... It's time to vent some frustration Aron, Rock Throw!" Aron smashed his head into the ground sending a group of rocks sailing towards Marrill and striking it hard. Marrill struck back with a Water Gun. "Aron use Dig." Diving underground, Marrill was at a complete loss as to where its opponent was. "Now strike!" Aron jumped up behind Marrill landing a powerful body blow. "Good job, pokeball go!" The red light blinked and swayed for several seconds before stopping. "Looks like we've got a new team mate. He'll be handy against the Pewter Gym." Their lust for battle satisfied, the pair moved further through the forest.

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Brandon walked through the dense forest, his two Pokemon tucked safely away in their pokeballs, when he heard the sound of rushing water. "I wonder what it is?" he thought. Walking a short distance away from the path, he found what appeared to be a hot spring. "Awesome!" he yelled as he pulled off his T-shirt. "I know who would like this. Come on out Marrill!" The round bodied, blue creature materialised with a smile.

"Marril, Mar!"

"Hey Marrill, my name's Brandon, I'm your trainer." Brandon said, his knees bent, hand extended in welcome.

His new Pokemon looked nervous for a second before bounding into a tight hug.

"I'm glad we are friends. Huh... what's wrong? Is something there?"

"Marrill!" the Pokemon shouted, pointing to the lake.

"Who's there?!" Brandon yelled.

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Ocg: Sorry my computer has been going parental controls crazy

Haru: Come on Squirtle, lets get us a pidgey so when we vs a grass we can block it out with it

Squirtle: Squirt!

Haru and Squirtle find a unsuspecting pidgey.

Haru: Alright! Squirtle use Water Gun

The pidgey flies to the side then getting up using a gust.Squritle is blown away and falls backwards.

Haru: Come on Squirlte use bite to finish this off!

Squirlte bites the pidgey in the neck and falls to the ground.

Haru: Alright! Go poke'ball!

The ball goes soaring to pidgey and jerks side to side until the comfirmation of capture.

Haru: Yes! I got a Pidgey!

Haru walks to the poke'mon center and heads straight to vermilion city (at least thats what i think its called.)

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"Huh... must have been a Pokemon..." Brandon and Marill hung around in the water for an hour or so before continuing their journey towards Pewter City, feeling quite refreshed.

"Beautiful day isn't it Aron?"


"You confident about fighting the Pewter Gym?"

"Aroooon!" his Pokemon roared, obviously trying to show off how tough it felt.

"That's good enough for me!" Brandon replied happily as they reached the city limits.

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Brandon heard a rustling to his right but ignored it. Checking his bag, he found that he was well stocked on all medicines which meant he could head straight for the gym.

He arrived a few minutes later. Not sure what he was supposed to do next, Brandon raised an arm and hammered the door several times before waiting for an answer.

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"Whatever man. Even if the Leader appreciated power, I doubt he's gonna like you destroying his doors," Brandon yelled back. He wandered in and stood near the entrance, just close enough to have a decent view of the impending battle. Crysis was an intriguing character and Brandon was curious about his battling.

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Brock stepped into the room, saying nothing. He tossed out two Geodude. "A double battle, eh?" Crysis tossed out Poochyena and Marshtomp. One Geodude Seismic Tossed Poochyena, while Marhstomp fired a Water Gun at the other Geodude. The Geodude eventually ducked and then body slammed Marshtomp. Marshtomp fired another Water Gun, knocking Geodude out. Onix came out, Brock's last Pokemon. Marshtomp tackled Onix, who slammed him down. Beedrill came out and injected himself into Onix's skull. Poochyena took down Geodude and then began attacking Onix, while the poison entered his head. Onix slowly fell into he was knocked out. Crysis took his Pokemon back and took his badge.

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