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Pokemon Role-Play - Evolution Advanced

End Of The Abyss

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Name: Brandon

Age: 13

Phsyical Description or Picture: Tall, muscular, straw brown hair. Rugged but not handsome features. Usually wears navy blue or dark colours.

Starting Pokemon: Aron

Personality: Hot-headed and easily fired up around Pokemon. Can lose his composure during particularly tough and exciting battles.


OoC: Sorry if you're no longer accepting but I haven't found anything to suggest that you are.

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OoC: Cheers!


Brandon walked through Route 1, his buddy, Aron trotting at his heels, the pair of them desperately searching for a likely looking battle. Unfortunately it seemed pretty much deserted. "Acch well... I guess the Pokemon Centre would be our best bet for a battle Aron."

"Aron, Ar!"

They walked a short distance to nearby Viridian City, their hometown, and headed straight for the Pokemon Centre. As they entered a group of three trainers caught their attention. "Hey!" he yelled, "Hey! Anyone want to battle?"


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Haru and Sqirtle walk to the center and heal up and sprint back out to see two trainers near the pokemon center.

Haru: More trainers starting out, huh? Maybe we could travel together...

Haru walks up to the three trainers

Haru: Hiyas! My name is Haru whats yours?

Haru the heres and call from 2 trainers nearby.

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OoC: Sorry about that. Edited.


The trainer with the Poochyena at his heels looked like a worthy opponent. "What do you reckon Aron?" he asked, indicating Crysis.


"Alright then! Hey you with the Poochyena! I challenge you to a battle!"


OoC: If I'm offline when you post next then feel free to ignore the challenge.

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