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ESRB should suck on di*ks

Cyber Altair

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Anyone disagrees? I find it dumb as to why censorship is such a big deal for you Americans >.>


If you're a gamer and you don't know what's ESRB GTFO then commit suicide.

Ohh' date=' it's not just America. Go to Germany. They have even worse game ratings than the ESRB. They have like eight levels, and they're considering making it [b']illegal[/b] for an underage to play games not in their age group. You can't buy many games there.

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In America, most stores only ID you when you buy M and AO rated games. (Not that there are any AO games on the current-gen consoles). I remember when I was going to turn 17 in about two months, Gamestop wouldn't let me buy MGS1-3. I somehow don't think one can mature significantly in two months time. XP

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Anyone disagrees? I find it dumb as to why censorship is such a big deal for you Americans >.>


If you're a gamer and you don't know what's ESRB GTFO then commit suicide.

Ohh' date=' it's not just America. Go to Germany. They have even worse game ratings than the ESRB. They have like eight levels, and they're considering making it [b']illegal[/b] for an underage to play games not in their age group. You can't buy many games there.


Some places in Germany it is illegal now. It sucks, as I get most of my good games from there. But now I'm buying from England, via the almight internet.

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lol age ratings


Since when did they stop any of us? In fact' date=' all they do is promote piracy. Game wouldn't let me buy Quake 4, so I just downloaded it from TPB instead =P




*tut tut tut*.............


They do promote pracy when I think of it......



I think its ridicoulous. Whoever invented/created/watever ESRB sucks. ESRB

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the ESRB' date=' and similar video game rating companies exist to protect the game makers from angry parents. I think I hit the nail on the head there....



Yeah... kind of....


@Akira: Game ratings promoting piracy? Sure, but that that's a bit of a stretch. If anything, it's region-locks that promote piracy, but that is a whole different issue all together.

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My gamestop in Montana sold me anything I wanted lol. I was their best customer, now that I think about it. The thing I liked about them was that they actually played the games unlike the people at others stores I've been to. They even wrapped up a PS3 and held it under the counter and told people they were sold out, then gave it to me for christmas.


Back on topic, the ESRB is a bunch of people that try to rate and classify things they don't know anything about. Their advice on games is equivalent to a gaming magazine written by a room full of soccer moms >_>

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