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My own cards

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here is all my cards in my deck, yes i know some of them are not allowed or you are not allowed to have more than one in your deck, but i do not play by those rules




Toon Mermaid x3

Toon Blue Eyes x3

Toon Summoned Skull x2

Toon Masked Sorceror

Toon Gemini Elf x2

Toon Goblin Attack Force x3

Toon Dark Magician x3

Toon Dark Magician Girl x3

Manga Ryu-Ran x3

Toon Alligator x3




Toon World x3

Comic Hand x3

Toon Table of Content x3

Mystical Space Typhoon x3

Change of Heart

Graceful Charity x2

Tribute to the doom x3

Swords of Revealing Light

Magical Mallet x3






Trap Holes x3

Skull Lair

Trojan Blast

Waboku x3

Hallowed Life Barrier x3




ps: i made a card pm me if you like it

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