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[align=center]A History of Ancients

This is a Fantasy RPG, in the vein of MMORPG's. Here you create a character, and lead your character around the world, battling monsters, and completing quests for money and items.

As you progress further, you will go up in level and get stronger.

Also, as this RPG becomes larger, positions for Manager will become open, to assist in calculating all of the variables associated with this game.

[spoiler=Note from Creator]

Even though I have essentially left YCM, I have decided to create this thread, because no other forum I have found has enough quality RPers to sustain this. This does not mean I am back, merely that I am looking for a good RPG, and came to YCM again.



[spoiler=Sign Up Form]

Character Name:

Species (see list below):

Description (at least a paragraph):





[spoiler=Races & Classes]


-Swordsman [basic]

-Mage [basic]

-Trainer [basic]

--Jester [swordsman + Mage]

--Sorcerer [Mage+]

--Paladin [swordsman+]

--Dragon Master [swordsman + Trainer]

---Angel Knight [Paladin + Dragon Master]

---Necromancer [Paladin + Sorcerer]




-Archer [basic]

-Geomancer [basic]

-Spirit Mage [basic]

--Spacial Mage [Geomancer + Spirit Mage]

--Tracker [Geomancer + Archer]

--Aura Hunter [spirit Mage + Archer]

---Deft Assailant [spacial Mage + Tracker + Aura Hunter]




-Familiar [basic]

-Doom Keeper [basic]

-Key Guard [basic]

--Gate Master [Doom Keeper + Key Guard]

--Possessed Wyrm [Doom Keeper + Familiar]

--Mimic Shade [Key Guard + Familiar]

---End Lock [Gate Master + Mimic Shade]

---Shadow Fiend [Mimic Shade + Possessed Wyrm]

---Immovable Lich [Possessed Wyrm + Gate Master]






[spoiler=Tier 1 Weapons]

-Simple Sword

-Simple Shield

-Rusty Spear

-Soggy Trident



[spoiler=Tier 2 Weapons]

-Poltergiest Claw [Demon]

-Drago Halberd [Human, Demon]

-Lochlin Harpoon [Human, Elf]

-Black Mace [Human, Demon]

-Longbow [Human, Elf]






Looking for people to help expand the database, I will create a thread for database expansion soon.[/align]

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Character Name: Chandler Emerald

Species (see list below): Elf - Archer

Description (at least a paragraph):


Chandler is a noble elf, willing to perform any task. He is laid-back and Humorous, but can be Brutal at the right time. His sniping skills are fantastic, and he can hear almost anything within 100 Feet. Randomly, Chandler enjoys music like Grunge, Metal, Thrash, Skaa, and 90's in General.

Chandler is a young Teenager. His hair is the is not long, but the bangs are pretty long. His hair color his dark brown. His eyes are blue. His height it 5'10", and he weighs a good 180. Chandler usually wears casual clothes, as if he were very relaxed(which he is). His face is a bit skinny, with a medium nose and mouth. However, his chin is pretty large. He has a small beardstache going on. The clothes her wears are usually Greens, Oranges, Blues and Reds.

Chandler has had a happy life, although people either like / love him or hate him. Administration usually hates him, because he does "fun" things, which the Administration finds "unruly and out of order". Chandler lives with his Mom, Dad, and 2 Siblings. His Dog, Anderson, is extremely trustworthy, friendly, and goes everywhere with Chandler.



Appearance: 2nd Paragraph of Description.

Age: 13

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Lazer Yoshi accepted.



Character Name: Saruto The Dark Lightning Demon

Species (see list below): Demon

Description (at least a paragraph): later and what kind of description

Appearance: 6e46310.png

Age: 24


Demons must have actual names, not titles.

Also, description is your character's history and personality.

Fix those and you are in.

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Character Name: Maruss Haringer

Species: Elf/Spirit Mage


Maruss is a person who helps any that ask him assistance. Normally shown with an overly cheerful face, he seems to disregard many of life's pressures.

But underneath that kind and overly joyful exterior is an experienced combatant. And although Maruss disregards the reality of the world normally, he knows that there are times where the "right" choice is not always the "best" choice.


Appearance: He is usually wearing a light green garment that covers his arms and stops at his knees. Along with a belt tied around his waist. Accompanying that is pants of a darker blue nature and a forest green vest.

He also has short, spiky, auburn hair with a small goatee to go with his emerald green eyes and elflike pointy ears.


Age: 22

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