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Yarr! The Jedi of the Sea

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Fish OTK. Deck is pretty consistent, minor fixes may be needed, but for the most part I need help on my Side Deck.



1x Chaos Sorcerer

3x Deepsea Coelecanth


3x Royal Swamp Eel

3x Golden Flying Fish

2x Oyster Meister

2x Unshaven Angler

2x Mother Grizzly

2x GK Spy

1x GK Guard

1x Breaker

1x Deep Diver



3x Cold Wave

2x Book of Moon

1x Pot of Avarice

1x Big Wave Small Wave

1x B-Con

1x Monster Reborn

1x Heavy

2x Magical Mallet



2x Fish Depth Charge

3x Reckless Greed

2x Threatening Roar



Generic Extra Deck


Side Deck:

2x Trap Eater


Main issues include:


Taking down large monsters

Lack of OTK ready hands, they usually happen between Reckless and Mallet, but like everything, there's a probability of it failing.

Lack of Side Deck

Provide reasoning for your fixes or they will be ignored.

All fixes I find helpful will earn a +rep for the fixer.

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@Spawn, No reasoning behind it.

Also, Mallet helps get out the pieces for the OTK, and Cold Wave is sexy in fish. Also, Cold Wave can disrupt opponents and it leads to an OTK, PoC doesn't OTK.


@Jurrasic, Cold Wave helps OTK, Fish Depth Charge can barely be counted as draw power, and 3 of them did horrible in playtests.


Also, help my Side Deck.

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@Spawn' date=' No reasoning behind it.

Also, Mallet helps get out the pieces for the OTK, and Cold Wave is sexy in fish. Also, Cold Wave can disrupt opponents and it leads to an OTK, PoC doesn't OTK.



I said maybe because I was unsure you would like the advice or not. Obviously you didn't. I was thinking of POC for Coelocanth and Sorc. Plus it gets away from BTH.


Why Deep Diver?

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@Spawn, BTHing Canth isn't what I'm worried about, I can always call priority so Canth's loss is fine with me. PoC however, may dodge BTH, but there's nothing stopping them from BTHing my entire swarm of Fish, which kills my chances of winning.


Deep Diver searches out Coelacanth and is a Grizzly target.


@Tronta, I took that out of tea's build because I'm not going to have enough field presence to be able to fire off Big Wave more than once. Also, since I already burn through monsters with Canth, Big Wave adds on to that and burns my field presence up.


Also, why the hell is no one helping with my Side Deck?

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@TC: I know whare you got the deck name from.


And you could' date=' posibly, use a 2nd Gravekeeper's Guard. Its a 1900DEF verson of Hane-Hane



1. Lulz.

2. 2nd GK Guard has been considered from a convo with Benraino about GK Spy v. Guard, but overall I picked Spy because of its ability to grab more tribute fodder. Also, with the decline in Stardust usage I really don't see the use for a second one.

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What about siding Jinzo? I know it seems silly, but it's not like you won't be able to Summon it easily. It would prevent BTH or other Traps that might hurt Coelacanth or your Fish swarm.

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@Star, Siding Jinzo is an option, if I can find more, but I'd rather side Decree/main Decree.


@pyramid, Yeah, living and waiting with the perfect OTK set-up is hard. I'll test Monster Gate, probably the first fix I've accepted on the Fish deck that I haven't come up with myself partially/entirely.


What should I neg?

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@TC: I know whare you got the deck name from.


And you could' date=' posibly, use a 2nd Gravekeeper's Guard. Its a 1900DEF verson of Hane-Hane



1. Lulz.

2. 2nd GK Guard has been considered from a convo with Benraino about GK Spy v. Guard, but overall I picked Spy because of its ability to grab more tribute fodder. Also, with the decline in Stardust usage I really don't see the use for a second one.


1. Narwals.

2. I know that Spy has more DEF and the ability to grab another one, Just, It was an idea, On how on a rare chance You can end up with both Spys in your hand.

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@TC: I know whare you got the deck name from.


And you could' date=' posibly, use a 2nd Gravekeeper's Guard. Its a 1900DEF verson of Hane-Hane



1. Lulz.

2. 2nd GK Guard has been considered from a convo with Benraino about GK Spy v. Guard, but overall I picked Spy because of its ability to grab more tribute fodder. Also, with the decline in Stardust usage I really don't see the use for a second one.


1. Narwals.

2. I know that Spy has more DEF and the ability to grab another one, Just, It was an idea, On how on a rare chance You can end up with both Spys in your hand.

Maybe, but even then Spy can fetch my last guard. Overall, Spy seems more helpful than Guard to the win condition of the deck, I might side a second Guard though.

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