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Does this sound like a GOOD monarch deck?

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If i get enough "YES!" i'll go and buy the cards and make the deck for real.



Mobius the frost monarch X3

Rezia the storm monarch X2

Casius the shadow monarch X3

Thelos the firestorm monarch X3

Zaborg the thunder monach X3(2 if he's semi-limited 1 if he is limited)

(Maybe) kuraz the light monarch X3

Destiny hero-mali X2

Elemental hero stratos X1

Choas sorcerer X1

Goldd,wu lord of dark world X3

Gorz the emissary of darkness X2

total monsters:27





Destiny draw X2

pot of avirice X3

Heavy storm X3

Lightning vortex X3

Monster re-born X1

total spells:13





Spellbinding circle X1

Sakuretsu armour X3

Negate attack X3

Mirror force X1

Magic cylinder X2

Total traps:10




[spoiler=deck overview]




Total cards:50



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Thanks heres my new list:


Mobius the frost monarch X3

Rezia the storm monarch X2

Casius the shadow monarch X3

Thelos the firestorm monarch X3

Zaborg the thunder monach X2

Destiny hero-mali X2

Elemental hero stratos X1

Choas sorcerer X1

Goldd,wu lord of dark world X2

Gorz the emissary of darkness X2

Treeborn frog X1

Jinzo X2


spells (Click to Hide)

Destiny draw X2

Heavy storm X1

Lightning vortex X2

Monster re-born X1


traps (Click to Hide)

Spellbinding circle X1

Sakuretsu armour X2

Negate attack X3

Mirror force X1

Dust tornado X2

Threatning roar X3


total:42 cards


@guy person:as long as I can win with it,it's ok.

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Thanks heres my new list:


Mobius the frost monarch X3

Rezia the storm monarch X2

Casius the shadow monarch X3

Thelos the firestorm monarch X3

Zaborg the thunder monach X2

Destiny hero-mali X2

Elemental hero stratos X1

Choas sorcerer X1

Goldd' date='wu lord of dark world X2

Gorz the emissary of darkness X2

Treeborn frog X1

Jinzo X2


spells (Click to Hide)

Destiny draw X2

Heavy storm X1

Lightning vortex X2

Monster re-born X1


traps (Click to Hide)

Spellbinding circle X1

Sakuretsu armour X2

Negate attack X3

Mirror force X1

Dust tornado X2

Threatning roar X3


total:42 cards



Just quit before you make an even bigger fool of yourself.

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( 22 )

3 Caius the Shadow Monarch

2 Raiza the Storm Monarch

2 Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch

1 Chaos Sorcerer

1 Cyber Dragon


2 Gravekeeper's Spy

2 Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter

2 Krebons

1 Spirit Reaper

1 Sangan

1 Plaguespreader Zombie

1 Treeborn Frog

1 Gravekeeper's Guard

1 Breaker the Magical Warrior

1 Night Assailant


( 10 )

2 Allure of Darkness

2 Soul Exchange

1 Book of Moon

1 Monster Reborn

1 Brain Control

1 Mystical Space Typhoon

1 Heavy Storm

1 Emergency Teleport


( 8 )

3 Bottomless Trap Hole

2 Phoenix Wing Wind Blast

1 Mirror Force

1 Torrential Tribute

1 Trap Dustshoot

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Which the deck already had plenty of. If you want to run Mali in monarchs, you need to structure the whole thing around the PC-Engine or run 2 Foolish Burial as well as Wing Blast (something I really do not think is a good idea when there are such better options for synergy like GK spy).

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I still find it funny, How TC thinks he can 'win' with the deck, Yet he has a Trap card line-up like this:

Spellbinding circle X1

Sakuretsu armour X2

Negate attack X3

Mirror force X1

Dust tornado X2

Threatning roar X3


Do this:



-3 Negate Attack

+3 Bottomless trap Hole

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2 raiza

3 caius

1 cyber dragon

1 chaos sorceror

1 treeborn forg

1 dandylion

1 breaker

1 ryko

1 snipe hunter

2 krebons

1 sangan

2 thunder king raio

1 card trooper

2 gravekeepers spy

1 mystic tomato



2 allure

1 soul exchange

1 brain control

1 heavy storm

1 mst

1 monster reborn

1 e tele

2 enemy controller



2 pwwb

2 mind crush

1 trap dustshoot

3 solemn

1 mirror force

1 torrentia


but that is

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Thanks heres my new list:


Mobius the frost monarch X3

Rezia the storm monarch X2

Casius the shadow monarch X3

Thelos the firestorm monarch X3

Zaborg the thunder monach X2

Destiny hero-mali X2

Elemental hero stratos X1

Choas sorcerer X1

Goldd' date='wu lord of dark world X2

Gorz the emissary of darkness X2

Treeborn frog X1

Jinzo X2


spells (Click to Hide)

Destiny draw X2

Heavy storm X1

Lightning vortex X2

Monster re-born X1


traps (Click to Hide)

Spellbinding circle X1

Sakuretsu armour X2

Negate attack X3

Mirror force X1

Dust tornado X2

Threatning roar X3


total:42 cards


@guy person:as long as I can win with it,it's ok.



2 gorz?

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