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My Lightsworn Deck But Suddnly Without So Many Budget

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Hey guys, i'm preety new her and I wanted hearing your opinion about my deck, so her he is: ( it is a lightsworn deck ):shock::shock:





Celestia, Lightsworn Angel

Wulf, Lightsworn Beast x3

Garoth, Lightsworn Warrior x3

Jain, Lightsworn Paladin x3

Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner x2

Jenis, Lightsworn Mander

Snipe Hunter

Neo-Spacian Grand Mole


Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter

Spirit Reaper

D.D. Warrior Lady




Monster Reincarnation x2

Foolish Burial x2

Swords Of Revealing Light

Brain Control

Heavy Storm

Enemy Controller

Pot Of Avarice

Shield Crush

Lightning Vortex

Mystical Space Typhoon

Monster Reborn




Bottomless Trap Hole x2

Glorious Illusion

Compulsory Evacuation Device

Torrential Tribute

Sakuretsu Armor

Radiant Miror Force

Magic Cylinder


Side Deck:


Dust Tornado x3

Unstable Evolution

Monster Reincarnation

Cold Wave

Magical Mallet

Imperial Iron Wall

Trap Hole

Ribbon Of Rebirth

Limit Reverse


Most of you will probebly laf on this deck, but just for you to now that I would'nt got an adlist cool budget so please if your giving an edvice so don't tell about more expensive fards than JD, so thank you for everyone who will give my an advice!!!:lol:

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Are you happy? This isn't my build as I don't run LS and don't want to give you something even slightly wrong.



3 Celestia

2 Garoth

1 Chaos Sorcerer

1 Plague

1 Ehren

3 Necro

3 Lumina

2 Lyla

2 JD

2 Ryko

2 Wulf

3 Honest



1 brain

1 reborn

1 mst

1 heavy

3 cold wave

3 charge

3 solar



2 beckoning

1 ccv

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Armadilloz - thanks for anderstanding.


guy person - if you don't going to start writing a healping or building posts so I would have to ask from you to do not write anymore posts at that topik, because I didn't scined to this porum to start fiting other users.

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Armadilloz - thanks for anderstanding.


guy person - if you don't going to start writing a healping or building posts so I would have to ask from you to do not write anymore posts at that topik' date=' because I didn't scined to this porum to start fiting other users.



Am I the only one who can't even begin to understand this?

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