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Jurac Tyrannus OTK!!

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Use "Black Ptera" as a tribute so it returns to your hand. Combine this combo with "Ultimate Offering" so that for every 500 Life points you pay, "Jurac Tyrannus" gains 500 ATK. If you have 5550 or more life points when this card is summoned you can increase this cards ATK to 8000 and keeping at least 50 lifepoints. Having a change for an OTK attack. Retrieved from "http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Card_Tips:Jurac_Tyrannus"


well I know that the Juracs are not relesed on TCG yet, but if they ever were, then this would be great, the only problem is that we need to make sure that the opponent does not have traps or quick-play spells so we can attack with no fear, if the player have 8000 life point still then he/she could rise Jurac Tyrannus attack to even 10000.

guess i put this in the wrong place, please lack this.

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