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anti-ss e-hero deck IRL

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this is IRL so i only have 2 solemns


monsters: 19

3x e-hero alius

2x e-hero capt gold

3x wildheart

1x stratos

2x thunder king raioh

2x exiled force

1x breaker

1x d.d. warrior lady

1x snagan

3x krebons


spells: 12

1x e-teleport

3x skyscraper

1x giant trunade

1x heavy storm

1x mistical spae typhoon

1x reinforcment of the army

3x e-call

1x monster reborn


traps: 9

2x solmn judgment

3x royal oppressin

1x torrential tributre

1x mirror force

2x mirror gate



extra deck: 12

2x stardust

2x rda

3x magical android

1x goyo

2x black rose

2x dark strike fighter

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