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My IRL deck -- Chaotic Batterys


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BUDGET!!! March format

Honest is way outa my reach


Monsters: 21

3x Batteryman AA

3x Shining Angel - I know it's not inferno-able

1x Marshmallon

1x Spirit Reaper

1x Sangan

2x Batteryman Micro-cell

1x Cyber Dragon

1x Guardian of Order

1x Snipe Hunter

1x Phantom of Chaos

1x D.D. Warrior Lady

1x Chaos Sorcerer

2x Batteryman Charger

1x Batteryman Industrial Stength

1x Destiny Hero - Plasma


Spells: 13

1x Heavy Storm

1x Monster Reborn

3x Inferno Reckless Summon

1x Hand Destrution

2x Short Circuit

1x Card Destruction

1x Foolish Burial ( I IS NEED IS A SECOND!)

1x Mystical Space Typhoon

1x Card of Safe Return

1x Brain Control


Traps: 6

2x Limit Reverse

1x Soul Rope

1x Divine Wrath

1x Compulsory Evacuation Device

1x Torrential Tribute


I know it's crummy, but it's real life guys, and I don't like spending to much money.

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Giant trunade is like a slightly watered down heavy storm that can go through SDD and is great for removing the entire back row for swooping in and devouring a huge chunk of LP or finishing them off without anything getting in the way.


I laugh at those who say giant trunade is a bad card.


But if you run giant trunade before heavy storm you need to be checked.

Trunade is basically a heavy except can save your field and is great for finishing.


lol. you're running an OTK! you shouldn't need to have cards on the field to often' date=' and they normally won't be major cards anyway. cut the trunade.



LOL I play solemn to stop your OTK GG.

@TC: Don't listen to the guy saying trunade is bad.


Though your deck is bad.

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Giant trunade is like a slightly watered down heavy storm that can go through SDD and is great for removing the entire back row for swooping in and devouring a huge chunk of LP or finishing them off without anything getting in the way.


I laugh at those who say giant trunade is a bad card.


But if you run giant trunade before heavy storm you need to be checked.

Trunade is basically a heavy except can save your field and is great for finishing.


lol. you're running an OTK! you shouldn't need to have cards on the field to often' date=' and they normally won't be major cards anyway. cut the trunade.



LOL I play solemn to stop your OTK GG.

@TC: Don't listen to the guy saying trunade is bad.


Though your deck is bad.


I know it's not great but it's irl.

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