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Paper Tigers Normal Monster Exploit Deck

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Okay' date=' TC's friend runs sh!t glads.


This topic is now about Pluto and how it effects you.



Pluto is out of this world.


And how does that make you feel?


Out of this world.

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Ooh, how original, your standard bullshit Dark Beatdown deck. And look at all of the Dark Armed Synchro and Lightsworn decks on here. Yeah, you guys REALLY worship originality here. Besides, Mechanical Snail? Seriously? I'll give you points for THAT being original, but if you're going to be critical of MY deck, then why haven't you upgraded it to replace them with Renge or D.D. Trainer? Both are good walls to hide behind while you're searching out CCV. You see what I did there? I gave CONSTRUCTIVE criticism; I looked at your deck, saw something that could be improved on it, and suggested an alternative to consider without picking it apart and saying "This sucks, this sucks, this sucks, this sucks" and essentially rebuilding it into something completely different, simply because I don't like it and want to see it done my way.


And what the hell is the Jack Witt Clause? Who is Jack Witt? What clause are you dictating on your reviews? Oh, don't post on here unless you want comments? Well, I WANTED comments, but that's not what you're giving me; you're giving me flames. You're giving me NOTHING useful, no constructive criticism, nothing but hypocritical comments that are little more than direct attacks on something you don't like.


You guys are all idiots, seriously; poor, pathetic, hypocritical idiots that are also elitist trolls that have been so spoiled on tournament bullcrap that you can't see past your own bias. You don't even CARE to understand what the deck's about, what the strategy is, or what the player is trying to do with it; all you care about is whether it would stand up to Regionals, and if they have Synchros or Snipe Stalker or any other bullcrap "staples" you pulled out of your ass to worship on the throne of cookie-cutter elitism. I know, for a fact, through real-life dueling experience, that this is a valid and good deck. Why don't you build it yourself and test it out, if you're so goddamn sure it's a piece of crap; I'm sure you'll be surprised with how well it does, seriously.

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Ooh' date=' how original, your standard bullshit Dark Beatdown deck. And look at all of the Dark Armed Synchro and Lightsworn decks on here. Yeah, you guys REALLY worship originality here. Besides, Mechanical Snail? Seriously? I'll give you points for THAT being original, but if you're going to be critical of MY deck, then why haven't you upgraded it to replace them with Renge or D.D. Trainer? Both are good walls to hide behind while you're searching out CCV. You see what I did there? I gave CONSTRUCTIVE criticism; I looked at your deck, saw something that could be improved on it, and suggested an alternative to consider without picking it apart and saying "This sucks, this sucks, this sucks, this sucks" and essentially rebuilding it into something completely different, simply because I don't like it and want to see it done my way.


[b']Mechanical Snail can at least run over Plaguespreader Zombie in a worst-case scenario situation. What can Renge destroy?


Really? Dark Beatdown? That looks A LOT more like a Virus Control Deck than a Dark Beatdown Deck.[/b]


And what the hell is the Jack Witt Clause? Who is Jack Witt? What clause are you dictating on your reviews? Oh, don't post on here unless you want comments? Well, I WANTED comments, but that's not what you're giving me; you're giving me flames. You're giving me NOTHING useful, no constructive criticism, nothing but hypocritical comments that are little more than direct attacks on something you don't like.


The Jack Witt Clause is a YCM Rule stating that by posting your Deck, you are willing to accepts any criticisms, no matter how harsh they may be, of your Deck. We CAN flame your Deck, but we CAN'T flame you.


I don't have an argument anymore so I'm going to insult everybody and be wrong.


I agree.

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Ooh' date=' how original, your standard bullshit Dark Beatdown deck. And look at all of the Dark Armed Synchro and Lightsworn decks on here. Yeah, you guys REALLY worship originality here. Besides, Mechanical Snail? Seriously? I'll give you points for THAT being original, but if you're going to be critical of MY deck, then why haven't you upgraded it to replace them with Renge or D.D. Trainer? Both are good walls to hide behind while you're searching out CCV. You see what I did there? I gave CONSTRUCTIVE criticism; I looked at your deck, saw something that could be improved on it, and suggested an alternative to consider without picking it apart and saying "This sucks, this sucks, this sucks, this sucks" and essentially rebuilding it into something completely different, simply because I don't like it and want to see it done my way.


And what the hell is the Jack Witt Clause? Who is Jack Witt? What clause are you dictating on your reviews? Oh, don't post on here unless you want comments? Well, I WANTED comments, but that's not what you're giving me; you're giving me flames. You're giving me NOTHING useful, no constructive criticism, nothing but hypocritical comments that are little more than direct attacks on something you don't like.


You guys are all idiots, seriously; poor, pathetic, hypocritical idiots that are also elitist trolls that have been so spoiled on tournament bullcrap that you can't see past your own bias. You don't even CARE to understand what the deck's about, what the strategy is, or what the player is trying to do with it; all you care about is whether it would stand up to Regionals, and if they have Synchros or Snipe Stalker or any other bullcrap "staples" you pulled out of your ass to worship on the throne of cookie-cutter elitism. I know, for a fact, through real-life dueling experience, that this is a valid and good deck. Why don't you build it yourself and test it out, if you're so goddamn sure it's a piece of crap; I'm sure you'll be surprised with how well it does, seriously.



Jack Witt Clause still applies.

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he runs a pure Gladiator Beast deck

Yep' date=' I know exactly [i']WHY[/i] you win.


And its the exact same case as Wc08's Wi-Fi


And TC has YET to explain why he uses Coach Goblin.


Also, Pluto isnt even a planet btw...


I never said it was


Discuss Captain Planet


He's boring' date=' Pluto is better.[/b']

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*sigh* Is that all there there is' date=' now? Just stupid "staples", insufferably broken DAD bait and idiotic Synchro brainwashing? You guys have no imagination or respect for an original deck whatsoever, do you?


For the record, I've been able to CONSISTENTLY beat my roommate with this deck, despite him dueling with a pure Gladiator Beast deck (one of the most powerful deck types currently being played); the only deciding factor is if he's able to get out Heraklinos before I'm able to wipe the floor with him (Gyzarus I laugh at, as its effect only goes off when it's Special Summoned, and I've got plenty of counters for it, whereas Heraklinos kills off ALL of my support, leaving me helpless...which is why I have Royal Oppression in there).


Also, you obviously missed the point of this deck; the vanillas are there to provide mostly fodder for Creature Seizure (use that instead of Creature Swap, so I won't be forced to sacrifice my good Effect monsters if the opponent chains a card to take out my only Normal monster), Order to Charge (Smashing Ground/Fissure only works on face-up monsters, while Order to Charge doesn't care which position the opponent's monster is, just that the Normal Monster I sacrifice for it is face-up), Justi-Break, and the support in my Side Deck. The Effect monsters are my big hitters (although with big March of Animals and Wild Nature's Release in combination with Burden of the Mighty, my vanillas are able to get pretty big, themselves). And if you're wondering why my Normal monsters are so weak, take a look at my side deck. See that? By Order of the Emperor. King Tiger Draw Spam, just in case my other drawing cards don't come through for me. Believe me, I've got this deck planned out, and it is NOT a waste, otherwise I wouldn't have won all the duels I have with it. This isn't built for Synchro exploitation or Snipe Hunter worship, this is a fun, useful, and powerful deck with a quirky theme that actually WORKS. And no, I'm not expecting to be able to beat everyone to the top of what would've been Regionals with this deck (I hate tournament play; so many prudish elitists...kinda like the people who just commented on this deck), and I have no illusions of it beating a traditional Dark Armed Synchro deck (though it would be interesting to see how well it fares against one), but it's balanced, it's got good flow, and the most important thing, it's been proven in several real-life duels to be a winner when played right, giving it proof of concept.


And Sleeping Lion is a level 4 with 700 ATK and 1700 DEF. I know, doesn't sound that good, but with most monsters being played not peaking 1600, it's still decent.



You've obviously never seen any of my decks.

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Allright, here's what I have

1. You obviously can't count. 5 cards not played does not equal 3 cards not played

2. Your friend's deck probably isn't great since it loses to this.

3. Does your friend have GB War Chariot, E Hero Prisma, or Test Tiger in his GB deck?

4. Please consider this: being creative doesn't mean losing. You can play a deck that's creative and still try to win.

5. You're obviously lacking info. Regionals aren't in effect anymore, and TeleDAD decks became crappy thanks to the various Limits/Bans.

6. I think you would have more fun if you built an anti meta deck. Check out mine for ideas(you have cards like Bribe, Wanghu, and Burden that would fit perfectly in).

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You see what I did there? I gave CONSTRUCTIVE criticism; I looked at your deck' date=' saw something that could be improved on it, and suggested an alternative to consider without picking it apart and saying "This sucks, this sucks, this sucks, this sucks" and essentially rebuilding it into something completely different, simply because I don't like it and want to see it done my way.



I actually gave advice to your deck and asked question why you would run various cards over other cards, but it seems that your head is too deep in ass to actually read all of the comments properly and give them a decent answer.


Also, if you say your deck works so well, you might wanna explain why you are running Tiger King Wanghu, because, you know, IT KILLS YOUR OWN MONSTERS TOO!! Also, what's with the random Amazonnes Tiger? Why not use Vorse Raider or Gene-Warped Warwolf instead?


You guys are all idiots' date=' seriously; poor, pathetic, hypocritical idiots that are also elitist trolls that have been so spoiled on tournament bullcrap that you can't see past your own bias. You don't even CARE to understand what the deck's about, what the strategy is, or what the player is trying to do with it; all you care about is whether it would stand up to Regionals, and if they have Synchros or Snipe Stalker or any other bullcrap "staples" you pulled out of your ass to worship on the throne of cookie-cutter elitism. I know, for a fact, through real-life dueling experience, that this is a valid and good deck. Why don't you build it yourself and test it out, if you're so goddamn sure it's a piece of crap; I'm sure you'll be surprised with how well it does, seriously.



Seriously. Where the hell are basing the "poor, pathetic, hypocritical idiots that are also elitist trolls that have been so spoiled on tournament bullcrap that you can't see past your own bias" of? Just because a bunch of meta decks are posted here, this entire forum and all people here are automaticly meta worshippers? It's obvious you still haven't lurked enough on this forum, but judging by your repeating comments that we are all "Dark Armed Dragon worshippers", you obviously aren't even trying to defend your comments and repeately make us out for "Dark Armed Dragon and Synchro worshippers", just because you don't like your deck, because it has bad card choices.


Also, even we are running Synchro Monsters without Tuner monsters in decks that even don't require the use of Synchro monsters, you still point us out as Synchro obsessed players? I want to repeat again what I said a BILLION TIMES already, but you are refusing to listen to it and continuously claim "THIZ DECKZ IZ GRAETZ ITZ DUZN'T NUUD SYNCHO MUNSTURS CUZ THR STOPUD UND MUTA!!!"


But I doubt it you will read all of this, since you're too busy being butthurt and keep claiming that we are "Meta elitists trolls".

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I'm all for original Deck Themes. Really. In fact, I run a deck full of high-level monsters that abuses The Calculator, Ante and Mausoleum of the Emperor...but that's not the point. The point is that your Deck is, by nature, never going to work in a tournament. I believe that you're too concerned in keeping with the theme to really work on the playability of it. It's fine for casual play, but if you really want to keep this decktype you're going to have to accept that it's never going to be tournament-worthy. Which is fine if all you play is your buddy's GB Deck.


That being said, I'm about tired of hearing people yelling OMG UR MISSIN A SNIPE HUNTER, DECK FAILS. There ARE other options, you know.

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That being said' date=' I'm about tired of hearing people yelling OMG UR MISSIN A SNIPE HUNTER, DECK FAILS. There ARE other options, you know.



Snipe hunter is a very splashable card... But whoever thinks it needs to go in every deck needs to learn to play.


As for you, no one on here says that it needs to go in every deck, there is one member that likes to use it in most of their deck out of personal preference but the know it isn't needed. So please tell me where you are getting this snipe hunter bull from.

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