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Gladiator Beast Tuner


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Gladiator Beast Leordas

Level 2 Earth



When this card is Special Summoned by the effect of a "Gladiator Beast" monster, send 1 "Gladiator Beast" monster from your Deck to the Graveyard. At the end of the attle Phase, if this card attacked or was attacked, you can return it to the Deck to Special Summon 1 "Gladiator Beast" monster from your Deck, except "Gladiator Beast Leordas".


ATK/ 1400

DEF/ 1000


How's this? After Bestiari got limited Glads went down alot and this is a card that I think can bring it back higher a bit with more fun too :D. Rate plzzz.[/php]

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1400 ATK seems to much for a level 2 monster,especially since it is equal to Magna Dragon and Atlantean Pikeman and it is a tuner(like Magna Dragon)


and Gladiator Beasts don't like the graveyard so why are you giving it a effect to send them to the graveyard and send another one to the graveyard for a synchro summon? That is why most good GB builds use at least 3 cards that get them out of there (Monster Reborn,Darius,Equeste)


besides,they don't need synchros,they just use fusion monster that can contact fuse.

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