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[Wc08] 09 better have Chaos Necromancer >:O


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lolwut? Shadow Ghoul?


Yea, This idea probobly sucks...



Monster count: 30

Monster - 30(obveious)

Card Trooper

Chaos Sorcerer

Cyber Drag


Kuriboh x3

Morph Jar


Nimble x3

Pyramid Turtle x3


Shadow Ghoul x3


Thunder Dragon x3


Volcanic Shell x3

Winged Kuriboh x3


Spell - 11

Card Destruct

Sarcoph x2



Magical Stone Excavation


Kuriboh Flute x3


Trap - 4

Mirror Force

Solemn x3


Fusion - 3



Total - 45*is aware of the fact that I'm pushing it*

But the deck tends to thin its self out somewhat quickly, So just go with it.(though, I guess it could use some thinning)


I can do this better in Wc06, and Wc09(when it comes out), Provided 09 has the right cards >__>



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Just a thought...


Summoner of Illusions

30 Awesome Fusions summonable by Summoner of Illusions

What do you mean by 'Fusions'? And I'm somewaht trying to keep this only monsters' date=' Without going over 45


Would some Lightsworn mill power be any use in this? If so you could add Dandy for tribute fodder.

Felix, This is an In-Game deck.

This is the list of cards that are in it

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3 x Destiny Hero - Plasma

3 x Destiny Hero - Dogma

3 x Destiny Hero - Dreadmaster


3 x Chaos Necromancer Shadow Ghoul

3 x Magical Merchant

3 x Mystic Tomato

3 x Lyla, Lightsworn Sorcerer

3 x Wulf, Lightsworn Beast

2 x Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter

1 x Sangan




3 x Solar Recharge

3 x Trade-In

2 x Destiny Draw

2 x Opti-Camouflage Armor

1 x Heavy Storm

1 x Monster Reborn

1 x Giant Trunade




3 x Stardust Dragon

1 x Red Dragon Archfiend

1 x Thought Ruler Archfiend

1 x Colossal Fighter

2 x Black Rose Dragon

2 x Goyo Guardian

2 x Junk Warrior


1 x Gladiator Beast Gyzarus

1 x Gladiator Beast Heraklinos

1 x Sanwitch



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