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Your personal favourite decks.

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Guest setojim

1) blackwings


2) exodia


3) lightsworn


4) chaos


5) nurse chain burn


6) gearfried-smoke grenade control


7) demise-geartown-fighter OTK

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flip trolls.

actually, any deck that uses morphing jar #2.

just played fatty's hopeless dragon build.

nothing is more satisfying that watching his field of 2 redrums and 3 dark horus attack into morphing jar #2.



just the look of frustration in other peoples eyes makes it all worth it.

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1. Crystal beasts. Ever since they first came out, I've had a deck built around them. It's only been getting better and better. It's my absolute favorite deck AND archetype of all time.


2. Wetlands. It's just a classic moment watching as my opponent tries to defend themselves from my cute little frogs with giant monsters that can't attack and end up being weaker.


3. Pyschics. I love the feeling of being able to dance around my opponent with 20,000 times their lifepoints. (Don't ask me how I got my lifepoints so high with a Pyschic deck.)

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