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The Halo Triology


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You have to connect to your comp, etc.


You delete something and then it bypasses something in Halo. Then it lets you use a Brute.


See, Brute was intended to be used in Halo 3, but they had to cut it out, luckily the finished code is in the game.

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No, I nevah kid.


On Valhalla:


Random Guy: Oi, did they get the Spartan Lazah yet?


Me: Nope, Shees are safe.


Rg: Sweet.


*RG gets Banshee and flys over to enemy base, get's lazah'd*


RG: I thought they didn't get it!


Me: They didn't, but I did.


RG: Wha?


Me: I'm on the other team idiot.

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Here's my favorite lines.


"I R has RCoNz lolololololol."

"My ROFLcopter goezz soisoisoisoisoisoi!"

"ima firin mah Laz0R!"


"I r hate did ghey funking gaem!"

"I r dun wan pleh cock of doody four!"

"did you just download 700 gigabytes of pornography?!"

"they is sEx BaLloonZ."

"Smoek mah p0lE."

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Here's my favorite lines.


"I R has RCoNz lolololololol."

"My ROFLcopter goezz soisoisoisoisoisoi!"

"ima firin mah Laz0R!"

"ghey' date='"

"I r hate did ghey f***ing gaem!"

"I r dun wan pleh cock of doody four!"

"did you just download 700 gigabytes of pornography?!"

"they is sEx BaLloonZ."

"Smoek mah p0lE."



Lol, when he asked if there was a ghost in Call of Duty.

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