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World of Warcraft RP: War for Azeroth[PG-14-16]Started and accepting by PM|

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Name: Aromes Trusthusk

Alliance or Horde: Horde (Though he is in the Horde' date=' he can live in peace with the Alliance races, that is why he is the only Tauren in Stormwind, and travels trough the Alliance city's without being a threat.)

Race: Tauren

Class: Wilderness Stalker = Rogue (It does excist, check Wikia)

Apperance: [img']http://i39.tinypic.com/2im9xsg.jpg[/img]

Tribe/Clan(for Trolls, Orcs, Night Elfs, ect): Though he is a Tauren he does not lives in a clan.

Tribe/Clan Rank(if in a Tribe/Clan; Chief, Storyteller, Mystic, ect, ect): /

Username: Lord of chaos

Name: Riddic

Alliance or Horde: Alliance

Race: night elf

Class: Dk




Tribe/Clan(for Trolls' date=' Orcs, Night Elfs, ect): loner

Tribe/Clan Rank(if in a Tribe/Clan; Chief, Storyteller, Mystic, ect, ect):loner


ooc: both accepted, and Kylarnatias Soul, accepted, give me a sec to update the members list, and wez can start!

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Tasaki was walking throught the forest of Teldrassil watching the moon rise "... its nights like this, i'm glad the Horde isn't attacking..." her faithful wolf MoonSong ran over to her and growled happly "MoonRise... what are you doing here?" Tasaki noticed a parchment in his mouth "MoonSong, what is this?" she read the note "... the Lich King... is Awake again!?" she started running to Darnassus "Spirit of the Cheetah, Give me you Blessing(Aspect of the Cheetah)" she started running faster with MoonSong catching up


The Lich King's eyes started to burn Red as he lifted his Blade "arise... MY ARMY!" he stabbed his blade into the ice, forming a qiant crack with the Death Knight pouring out "now... now i can take my rightful throne..." from behind him arose Sindragosa

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Travitor was alone in a forest near Darnassus. He was sitting on a large tree root, perfectly still. A wolf stepped towards him sniffing his hand. "Here boy... Don't worry, I won't hurt you." A night elf ran past him and the wolf, and the wolf reared away into the forest. "What the hell was that?" He jumped down from the root and scratched his head, confused.


Dominic was running fast now, he had escaped the Lich King's clutches and was in Darnassas. He slowed down to a halt and sat on a bench. He held his head in his arm's confused of what just happened.

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ooc: yea thats fine final, and you guys can start anywhere, you dont have to be where my character is...



Tasaki finaly made it to the gates of Darnassus, only to find they they where locked and barricaed "what the?" she knocked on the gate and spoke in Darnassian "i hope this works..." she heard thumping on the other side of he gate, whan a Lock become Unlocked "hello?" she knocked again and the gate opened, she walked in and looked around seeing everyone in a state of panic in Darnassian she said: "you've already got the news of the Lich King?" th Guard nedded and escorted Tasaki to the Temple of the Moon, to meet with the High Priestess Tyrande Whisperwind

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Agas got up and looked around, she took out her staff, just incase any enemys were around, she then came past a Troll, she hid behind one of the ruined walls, out of the sight of the Troll. She then said some words under her breath, jumped out at the Troll and fire shot out of her staff and hit the Troll, it screamed in pain, but held back the rest of its pain and began to charge at Agas. It tryied to hit Agas, but she rolled out of the way, she casted fire again, but this time, missed the Troll.

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Tasaki was in the Temple of the Moon and saw High Priestess Tyrande Whisperwind, on the ground... assassinated all of her Personal Guards where either devoured of mauled, Tasaki's escorts ran around Darnassus warning the people. "Tasaki SilverRun-NightHawk... i'm sorry you had to see this" Tasaki's Personal Gurad and Sister said as she jumped up the Tasaki "Beotrix its so good to see you again!" Tasaki said hugging her "Tasaki, its good to see you too..."

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Agas jumped onto a broken piece of ruined wall, she muttered some words under her breath, then, she pointed her staff at the ground, lifted up a piece of rock and flung it at the Trolls face, a sharp tip of it lodged into its head, killing it slowly. Agas took a deep breath, searched the Troll, it had nothing, she then heard someone comeing, she hid and listened in on there conversation. "Did you hear about the Lich King?, hes raised his army and is trying to get his throne back, what do you think about that" they were two palidins, both from the allience. "Personally, i don't think hes going to sucseed, now can we leave this place, i feel like theres a member of the Horde here...." Agas took a deep breath.

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Tasaki looked around the scene for any clues, or evidence while Beotrix used her Cat Form to sniff around for anything "find anything yet, Beo?" Beotrix retuned to normal "sorry Tasa, nothing yet..." They walked outside thinking of who could/would do this "i can't put my finger on it... who would kill the High Priestess?" Beotrix sighed and read the parchment Moonsong gave Tasaki "well... maybe some time in Stormwind will clearthings up..." they giggled and walked down to the Dock and got a Boat to Darkshore

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Tasaki and Beotrix arived in Darkshore tofind it in ruins "wha...what happend?" Tasaki drew her blades and got ready while Beotrix looked at the ruins and ran to where her house was "BEO! WAIT!" Tasaki ran after her, Beotrix saw he house was in ruins, her family dead "why...why them? why not me!?" she asked herself as she brokedown crying "Beo... its ok..."


Beotrix stoped crying and they continued to Stormwing on foot "Beo, its ok... you still have me, and Mautes(3rd sister)" Beotrix started ot smile "your right Tasa..."


ooc: Tasaki, Beotrix and Mautes are sisters, and btw, they are L35b14n

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Riddic reached Ironforge and walked out into tinker town and went to the inn "Barkeep give the strongest thing you've got." Riddic said falling into the small dwarven chair "Here ya are." the dwarfish women handed him a mug full of some type of thunder brew. Riddic guzzled down the beer then got up and walked out the door "Bah that stuff wouldn't get a gnome drunk." Riddic walked off and went to the flight master and got griffen to Minithril harbor

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