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Greatest MegaMan Card Contest (FINISHED!)


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My first contest ^_^


Here is how the contest works. Up to 5 entries will be accepted. The entrants must submit 1 MegaMan themed card. It may be a monster, Spell, or trap card. I will judge on the image, effect, underpowered/over powered and over all playability. The top 3 winners will get a Custom Banner to place in their siggy.


1st Place: 80 points & 1 Rep

2nd Place: 60 points & 1 Rep

3rd Place: 40 points & 1 Rep

4th Place: 1 Rep

5th Place: 1 Rep

6th Place: 1 Rep


Current Participants:

1. Dragon Master "MegaMan Beast Out Falzar Beast"

2. Yaden Yuki "KnightMan"

3. The Average Guy "Program Advance - Double Hero"

4. Flame Dragon "ProtoMan.EXE"

5. Deity Mitsu "Necro Killer Cross"

6. Mike2084 "MegaMan Greiga Beast"


TIP: Use Images with Backgrounds....it will help more than just plain white backgrounds.


WINNERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Not Judged Yet):








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