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The Great Shogun's Army.

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This may just be your average tier 2 Six Samurai deck, but this has stared down the face of Lightsworns and DAD and laughed at them. On a less arrogant note, It has huge trouble with Gladiator beast(Those Infernal anthropomorphic fiends!) and Tele-Synchro decks. I would like to know if there was anything that can be possibly done to upgrade this deck, or if this is as good as it is ever gonna get. If you question any card I'll reply with my excuse for keeping it, but I will always consider the opinion of others.


Deck (40)


Monsters (20)

2x Great Shogun Shien

1x Enishi, Shien's Chancellor

2x Grandmaster of the Six Samurai

2x The Six Samurai - Zanji

2x The Six Samurai - Irou

2x The Six Samurai - Yaichi

2x The Six Samurai - Kamon

2x The Six Samurai - Nisashi

2x The Six Samurai - Yariza

2x Marauding Capitan

1x Turret Warrior


Spells (11)

1x Monster Reborn

1x Lightning Vortex

1x Heavy Storm

1x Reinforcment of the Army

1x The Warrior Retuning Alive

1x The A. Forces

2x Six Samurai United

1x Cunning of the Six Samurai

1x Six Scrolls of the Samurai

1x Mage Power


Traps (9)

1x Backs to the Wall

1x Double-Edged Sword Technique

1x Breakthrough!

1x Magic Cylinder

1x Scrap-Iron Scarecrow

1x Sakuretsu Armor

1x Threatning Roar

1x Half or Nothing

1x Negate Attack

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Traps (9)

1x Backs to the Wall

1x Double-Edged Sword Technique

1x Breakthrough!

1x Magic Cylinder

1x Scrap-Iron Scarecrow

1x Sakuretsu Armor

1x Threatning Roar

1x Half or Nothing

1x Negate Attack

^This trap line-up is ALL wrong^


It should be more like:

Mirror Force

3x Solemn Judgment

3x Threatning Roar


Threatning = anti Gladiator card btw...

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