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What Do We Really Need To Focus On

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[align=center] You see it and I see it. Know what I mean? You don't? Okay then, what I'm talking about is what the Card Maker and Forum really need. YCMaker has been nice enough to make some new changes that have been requested. They were asked for. People wanted them so he implemented them. Thank you YCMaker.


From my POV it seems like ever sense we got the changes, the Comments & Suggestions have started to become weak and meaningless. Check some of the threads and you'll see what I mean. Not every suggestion is a no, but come one we need to focus on things that can really help the card maker.


There's a To Do list on the forum but thats mainly for the Card Maker its self. I talking more about the forum and what features could help out. So far these are the hot topics on the C & S:


- Card Development Forum

- Rep System

- Enable Videos

- Dark Synchros [Won't Happen, not now. Don't ask]

- Other tiny features for the forum


We need to weed out what we really want. Focus on that and see what we can do. YCMaker and Mods can only do so much so its up to us to do things. So lets work together and find out what we are really asking for.[/align]

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Guest Fake Apology

I agree.


Don't spam.


There's a To Do list on the forum but thats mainly for the Card Maker its self.


The poll attached to the thread needs to have more options available for voting, so we can vote for new stuff related to the forums too, that's all.

But since the forum is used for forum-related ideas, it's all OK.



In general, i totally agree with all of your thoughts, Mage.

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Guest Fake Apology

I really didn't get anything from what you said, learn to use dots.

Lol jk.:P


there is no way to judge how important the poster thinks his thread is he might think it is the best idea ever


Rate the thread. He'll get how important his idea really is. The best way of judgement.

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I agree.

Thanks =/


I agree.


Don't spam.


There's a To Do list on the forum but thats mainly for the Card Maker its self.


The poll attached to the thread needs to have more options available for voting' date=' so we can vote for new stuff related to the forums too, that's all.

But since the forum is used for forum-related ideas, it's all OK.



In general, i totally agree with all of your thoughts, Mage.



Glad you see it my way :)


I agree but there is no way to judge how important the poster thinks his thread is he might think it is the best idea ever bit everyone else might hate it but the originals poster will have posted what he thinks we really need get what im saying


I have no idea what you said. Try being more pacific...

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Video Enabling will never happen' date=' nor will Dark Synchros, please explain the Rep System point.



I don't want Video "Enabling" (lol enabling, what? It's a Plugin >>) because it will increase page load time.


Dark Syncho's might happen if they show up in the Official TCG- which is unlikely.

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