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Short circuit deck

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Monsters 19


level 5 and up

Batteryman Industrial Strength X1

Batteryman Charger X3

Gardian Angel Joan X1

Ancient Gear Golem X1


level 4 and lower

Sining Angel X3

Batteryman Micro-Cell X3

Batteryman AA X3

Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter X3

Morthing Jar X1


Spells 16


Inferno Reckless Summon X3

Battery Charger X3

Short Curcuit X3

Hand Destruction X2

Card Destruction X1

Card Of Safe Return X1

Heavy Storm X1

Lightning Vortex X1

Limit area B X1

Traps 5


Reckless Greed X2

Portable Battery Pack X2

Mirror Force X1


Thats the deck I take to torrnements i Also have a DD/Macro Cosmos deck that i'v yet to try at torrnements so I don't know how good it is.

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I came into this topic hoping to see at least one copy of "Mystical Beast Serket", but I was wrong. I'm very, very disgruntled by this.

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Oh' date=' it's a short CIRCUIT deck.


This is boring.



I was kinda disappointed before I even clicked, because I remember that Serket is pretty d*mn tall. So the title would be rather contradictory if you ask me.

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oh didn't know that ill switch it for limit area b unles thats banned to


That's limited, but I don't know why you'd want to run it in a Deck based on OTKs.



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I have a better deck and I go to torrnements eneyway what deck do you run


Could you at least try to spell correctly?


I jump from deck to deck because I get bored with them. ATM I am running perfect circle until I can make my spellcaster deck... What does this have to do with your deck being built wrong?

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what do you mean built wrong and I am trying to spell properly.

and no offense but what dose crap spelling have to do with my deck supposedly being built wrong


I think it's pretty d@mn obvious what I mean when I say it's built wrong. Here, let me spell it out for you. I-T-'-s-B-U-I-L-T-W-R-O-N-G. Did you catch that?


Your spelling has nothing to do with the deck, it's just annoying. Normally I don't really care about other peoples grammar but your mistakes are so obvious and seemingly impossible to get wrong that it annoys me.


BTW I fixed your errors.

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your a very angrey person






and you could at least tell me whats wrong with it


I could.


And how in the hell could you spell "wrong" wrong after I just Fixed it for you in my last post?!

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I wasn't paying much atention to that and your sarcasem is good I like it but insted of complaining could you pleas help me make this deck better.

I keep comeing 4th and 3rd in the tornements I can't seam to get ferver than that.


I might help if you would at least try to spell correctly.


Fix your post and I will PM you a deck list.

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