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Deity's Workshop!Pokefusions,Trainer Sprites and Card Help!

Deity Mitsu

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Hi all!You can get your Pokefusions and Trainer Sprites here!Also,I offer help with card making and finding card images.Check out the price list and what I need to make your order!



I need the name of the 2 Pokemon you want me to fuse,and a name. Also, please indicate which Pokemon is the Base Pokemon(the one you want to see the most of).Price:10 points or a Rep


Trainer Sprites(skarmorytrainer.png)

I need the name of the trainer and what you'd like them to look like.I can also fuse them with Pokemon to make them look like they are trainers of a certain type.Please include the type of Pokemon the trainer uses also(If they use all different kinds,just say so).Price:20 points or a Rep


Card Help

If you need names,images,effect balancing or stat balancing,I'm here to help!Price:A Rep

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